Todo sobre el Su-57 PAK-FA / Felon





Sera mostrando viejas y nuevas especulaciones respecto a las dimensiones del T-50

El Jefe de la Fuerza Aérea India fue Testigo de un Vuelo de Demostración del PAK FA en Rusia

Publicado el 23 de mayo 2011

De acuerdo con los medios de comunicación de Rusia (RIA Novosti), el jefe de la Fuerza Aérea de la India, Pradeep Vasant Naik, fue testigo de un vuelo de demostración del caza de 5ta generación PAK FA, junto con un modernizado Mig-29UPG de la Fuerza Aérea India.

Evento fue presenciado por Mikhail Pogosyan, el Presidente de la United Aircraft Corporation y Director General de Sukhoi y RSKMiG, junto a los representantes de Rosoboronexport y la Fuerza Aérea de Rusia. El vuelo de demostración se realizó en el Instituto de Investigación de Vuelo Gromov en Moscú.

India y Rusia han acordado recientemente trabajar en el FGFA, una variante basado en el caza de quinta generación PAK FA. El primer vuelo del FGFA está previsto para el año 2016. Por el momento Sukhoi ha construido dos demostradores de tecnología T-50 y está llevando a cabo la primera fase de vuelo de prueba. Los primeros prototipos estarán listos a finales del próximo año.

Fuente: IAF Chief Naik witness flight demonstration of PAK FA in Russia |
En una de las fotos anteriores se ve al PAK FA y a un Superjet 100 haciendo un approach para aterrizar, ¿sera que estan ensayando un display para la MAKS?

Desde Cuba Las Malvinas Argentinas.


Fotos de la exhibición del PAK FA al Jefe de la Fuerza Aérea India

Interesante extracto de una extensa nota a V. Chepkin, diseñador general de Saturn:

On Military Aircraft Engine

For military aircraft, we have created two engines - one for the aircraft, the Su-35 ", the second - for the Russian aircraft 5 th generation of T-50". The first - "117C" - is mainly intended for export. it is easier in terms of aerodynamics, and most importantly - targeted for aircraft with conventional arms, suspended on pylons outside the fuselage, with no strong constraints on dimensions. Such schemes are used on aircraft 4-th generation, exported to India and Malaysia.

The second engine - "117" - though only differ by one letter in the title, is much more advanced engine - this is a real engine of the 5-th generation. we sometimes hear from competitors the engine of 5-th generation should have such a blade, such and such materials, high-speed rotors, and you do not have this ... None of this is all just ways of achieving the goal. A single goal - increasing specific thrust, ie the ratio of thrust to its weight. For example, the first jet engine Arkhip Mikhailovich Cradles weighed 1350 kg and had the same cravings, that is, its specific thrust is equal to 1. The engine is the 4 th generation, "AL-31F, has already managed to achieve specific thrust of 8.7, and car 5 th generation, the figure is 10.

- What are the new challenges encountered when creating the plane 5 th generation?

Problems have to solve a thousand. Say, for reducing the radar visibility "T-50 has a scheme with an internal arrangement of weapons, so is becoming increasingly important problem of reducing its size. And that means we have to be develop and put into service a new weapon, but since it is low volume, it must be highly accurate. It therefore necessarily needs a fully functional GLONASS.

The American GPS, for obvious reasons is not suitable, since in times of crisis they will disable it, and both during the Ossetian-Georgian war, they impose an artificial shift in the coordinates of 300 km. Also need to know exactly, not just to shoot, but how do you shoot, so should be a modern mapping system. The missile itself should be unobtrusive. Such weapons are now manufactured, and all this affects the design of the engine. Work is proceeding according to plan ... In general, in my opinion, the plane turns out good, no worse than the American "F-22".

By the way, if we compare the T-50 "with the" F-22 ", Western sources say that the T-50" loses much of the last parameters such as infrared engine visibility in the rear hemisphere ?

We're working very intensely, and to reduce the infrared and radar visibility, and were twice as better performance in comparison with the "F-22" (at least for those data that are published and which I have).

Today, the Chinese have copied our Su-27 "and are ready to sell it on world markets at dumping prices. ?

We do not lose, because such an aircraft as we do, the Chinese have no time soon will be! They say that the plane made is 5-th generation, but you can say anything ... They are the best engine copied from our "AL-31F. We also do engine 5-th generation, and it is in all of its parameters on traction, in specific fuel consumption corresponds to the 5-th generation.

I open a secret and say that we actually already have two motors 5-th generation. The second, which is now conventionally called the "Type 30", has already been tested in flight on the fighter T-50 "According to its parameters it a 15-25 percent greater than "117 ".

By the way, if we compare the T-50 "with the" F-22 ", Western sources say that the T-50" loses much of the last parameters such as infrared engine visibility in the rear hemisphere ?

We're working very intensely, and to reduce the infrared and radar visibility, and were twice as better performance in comparison with the "F-22" (at least for those data that are published and which I have).

Jajajajajaja... Venian bien, muy bien... Pero tenian que abrir la boca... :smilielol5: Sin proteccion termica o stealth sobre los motores, con toberas abiertas y no cubiertas, y es doblemente mas sigiloso en IR que el F-22... Se ve que le dieron duro a la Stoly... :sifone:


Y....tienen que defender su producto y venderlo...pero tontos tampoco son.
Tenemos que esperar al primer avión de serie a ver con que salen

Y....tienen que defender su producto y venderlo...pero tontos tampoco son.
Tenemos que esperar al primer avión de serie a ver con que salen


Seguro que si Grullin, y este bicho me encanta, pero lo dije desde el primer momento, esos motoros al descubierto con toberas redondas y externas, le cag@ toda la capacidad stealth, por no hablar de la IR...



Parece que a Sergey Bogdanov, piloto de pruebas del Su-35 y del PAK-FA, lo premiaron con el titulo de Héroe de Rusia

Notar que las bodegas del Berkut están abiertas

Dos mas del T-50-1....cuando veremos al T-50-2 con su nuevo camuflaje?
