Imágenes del conflicto de Malvinas < fotos >


Hi Jimmy, is that at Puerto Argentino (aka Pt. Stanley)?

If it so, you drink for free over there, right?



Hola Jimmy, eso es Pto Argentino?

Si es así, tomás gratis ahí, no?


Globe Tavern

en un bar hay colgado un FAL Para , en la pared , como trofeo... recuerdo haberlo visto en un documental
Hi, yes there are some in the, globe, pub, this photo was taken on my last visit in 2007. i am the one drinking from a can....
Hola, sí hay algo en globe pub, esta foto fue adquirido mi visita pasada en el que bebe de una poder….

A couple of years ago, the owner of the Glove Tavern invited an argentine gruop to perform Beatles songs. The group is called The Beladies and it is the first (unique?) gruop integrated by girls. Two shows were done and the money went directly to the Red Cross and social help institutions.

Hace unos años el dueño del la taberna Globe contrató a un grupo argentino, integrado por chicas para que dieran dos recitales con temas de los Beatles. El grupo se llama The Beladies y donaron todo lo recaudado a la Cruz Roja y entidades de ayuda social.


Herr Professor

forista tempera-mental
Hi, yes there are some in the, globe, pub, this photo was taken on my last visit in 2007. i am the one drinking from a can....
Hola, sí hay algo en globe pub, esta foto fue adquirido mi visita pasada en el que bebe de una poder….

hi jimmy, perhaps that is the image that I remember, there is another bar with arms hanging on the wall?

hola jimmy , posiblemente esa sea la imagen que yo recordaba , existe otro bar con armamento colgado de la pared?
Hi, yes there are some in the, globe, pub, this photo was taken on my last visit in 2007. i am the one drinking from a can....
Hola, sí hay algo en globe pub, esta foto fue adquirido mi visita pasada en el que bebe de una poder….

hi jimmy, perhaps that is the image that I remember, there is another bar with arms hanging on the wall?

hola jimmy , posiblemente esa sea la imagen que yo recordaba , existe otro bar con armamento colgado de la pared?

A la vuelta de "KAY´s B&B" (casa de una señora llamada KAY tipo hosteria que en el jardin tiene decenas de duendes,gnomos y demases) hay un bar, que no recuerdo el nombre, tiene un LAW M-72 colgado de la pared, al lado de un cuadro del Arsenal ( el de Zarandi).

para silvio 1982

la foto que se ve el que esta parado afuera es sub PALMA de fuerza aerea.
mecanico de radar. el de adentro no se

josefrancisco VGM

Parece que no se ven, aquí las tienen:


2º inspector de sentina
estimados foristas
especialmente lupin
probar con: "hacer click con el boton derecho del ratón"; abrir en ventana nueva...puede que asi las vea.
buena recopilación.

2 Para had been given the job of clearing Pradera del Ganso (Goose Green) which laid to the South of the landing zone at San Carlos Bay. Intelligence underestimated the quantity of Argentinian Troops to expect there. This picture shows Colonel 'H' and his team preparing for the Assault.

The British only deployed half a battery of 105mm guns (3 pieces) to the action at Pradera del Ganso (Goose Green). They did not expect there to be as many Argentinians as there actually were in the area. It was probably not sufficient to the task, but the Paras were ultimately successful anyway.

Médicos en Pradera del Ganso.

Men of B and D Company after the seizure of the main Argentine positin at Boca House. They were exhausted and they had lost their commanding officer and yet 2 Para had attacked a vastly larger Argentinian Unit in defensive positions and had beaten them. It was a remarkable victory.

Pradera del Ganso.

Artilleria argentina incautada en Pradera del Ganso.

A member of 45 commando yomping across the Malvinas Islands. With the destruction of the Atlantic Conveyor, much of the helicopter airlift capacity of the British had been lost. British forces had to literally walk across the width of East Malvinas Island.

The SAS and 42 Commando had launched an assault deep into Argentinian territory and were able to seize this dominant high position on the approaches to Puerto Argentino. This picture shows Brigadier Julian Thompson, Major-General jeremy Moore and Colonel Pennicot on the slopes before ordering a brigade attack on the surrounding peaks.

The air attacks on Galahad and Tristam produced devastating burns and wounds. Helicopter pilots did the best job they could in removing the troops from the burning vessels.

2 Para organised its assault from Camilla Creek House. It was near to here that the Artillery Fire Base would be situated. It was located about 11 miles from the main Argentinian Position at Pradera del Ganso (Goose Green).

The Royal Naval Air Defences were not as fully effective as originally hoped. Only two ships carried the Sea Wolf system and the Sea Dart missiles were only of much use against planes and missiles at high altitude. The old Sea Cat had to be relied upon, but it had severe limitations in reaction time. Argentinian pilots would fly at very low altitudes and hugging the terrain reducing any reaction time to an attack. Ironically, it was to be the machine guns and anti-aircraft guns that would prove their worth to a modern fleet. It had long been thought that they were anachronistic to a modern fleet and yet the tracers and volume of metal in the air could force pilots to dump their ordinance too early.

Dagger argentino en la bahía de San Carlos

El Fearless en Ascensión.

HMS Intrepid.

Dos helicópteros Wessex se estrellan en el Glaciar Fortuna en las Georgias del Sur, los miembros del SAS son rescatados por un tercer helicóptero.

Prisioneros argentinos de camino al aeropuerto.

Lanzadera exocet.

Fuentes: Malvinas TF New.htm


Qué lujo tener de nuevo a FePelin por aquí.
La foto que reza Skyhawk argentino, es en realidad un Dagger y está tomada el 24 de mayo (se puede apreciar la Antelope). No la conocía. Está tomada desde la Planta de refrigeración. Parece, por su posición, el Dagger que atacó al Fearless y posiblemente el que siguió su vuelo pasando cerca del Resource, inmortalizado en otra famosa foto, donde se ve al Stromness de fondo.

Un saludo


De compras

Soldados comprando postales, aunque tenían prohibido comprar en los negocios de la isla, no?
Qué lujo tener de nuevo a FePelin por aquí.
La foto que reza Skyhawk argentino, es en realidad un Dagger y está tomada el 24 de mayo (se puede apreciar la Antelope). No la conocía. Está tomada desde la Planta de refrigeración. Parece, por su posición, el Dagger que atacó al Fearless y posiblemente el que siguió su vuelo pasando cerca del Resource, inmortalizado en otra famosa foto, donde se ve al Stromness de fondo.

Un saludo

Mira que sé poco sobre aviones pero al ver la silueta y sobretodo la cola yo también pensé que era un Dagger.

Eso me enseña a tener criterio propio, gracias!



Linda Kitson

SS Canberra. British and Argentinian Casualties receiving Hospital Treatment. 3 June 1982

Pradera del Ganso (Goose Green), 10 June 1982

Carlos García

Ezequiel Martinez

harrier Painting - (Autor desconocido por mí)

Bomb Alley - (Autor desconocido por mí)