El Club del Tomcat


Me encule porq desde ayer ando trabado con unos ***** Null Pointer Exceptions asiq la corto por hoy y me hago timpo para subir data prometida.

La tengo q dejar en ingles porq tampoto tengo tanto tiempo

Propuestas de reemplazo del tomcat (fechado julio del 2003)

The F-14 is due to be retired by 2006. In the process, the fighter will be replaced by the F-18E/F Super Hornet. The Super Hornet is a radically upgraded version of the original F-18 Hornet with increased range, greater payload, and more powerful engines.

During the late 1980s, the Navy also briefly considered purchasing up to 550 examples of a navalized variant of the Air Force's Advanced Technology Fighter (ATF) as a potential F-14 replacement. However, the Navy lost interest before the EMD contract was awarded to Lockheed's F-22 Raptor, although a Lockheed proposal for such a design is illustrated below.

Naval Advanced Technology Fighter proposal

As you indicated, the primary means of distinguishing the navalized model from the basic F-22A was the addition of variable-geometry "swing" wings similar to those used on the F-14. Though the Navy went so far as to formulate a Naval Advanced Technology Fighter (NATF) requirement, the plan was soon abandoned when the service decided to instead focus its resources on the A-12 Avenger stealth attack plane that was planned to replace the A-6 Intruder.

However, the A-12 was eventually cancelled due to cost overruns and mismanagement, and Lockheed proposed another derivative of the F-22 to meet the Navy's A/F-X attack fighter requirement. This proposal never attracted much attention, though, since the Navy had decided to develop the F-18E/F as its primary attack fighter. The service's greatest fear was that involvement in the F-22 program would divert much needed funding, and both projects might end up being cancelled as a result.

A number of improved F-14 models were also proposed by Grumman as potential replacements for the original aircraft. One of the earliest of these was the Quickstrike concept with a mission similar to that of the Air Force's F-15E Strike Eagle. Quickstrike was proposed as a low-cost replacement to the cancelled A-12, the goal being to develop a new model based on the F-14D but with a significant ground attack capability. The aircraft was to be fitted with a Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) pod, synthetic aperture and Doppler Beam Sharpening ground mapping modes for its APG-71 radar, upgraded navigation and targeting pods, and moving-map displays. Weapons carriage was to be provided by four hardpoints under the central fuselage, each carrying five munitions substations, plus two wing glove pylons carrying two munitions substations each. Potential weapons to be employed were laser-guided bombs, the SLAM long-range land-attack missile, the Maverick air-to-surface missile, the HARM anti-radiation missile, and the Harpoon anti-ship missile. Quickstrike production was to consist of remanufactured F-14D models rather than new-build aircraft.

Super Tomcat 21 proposal

A similar concept was the Super Tomcat 21 (ST21), which built on the Quickstrike proposal but added additional improvements. Super Tomcat 21 offered the FLIR, radar modes, and weapons layout of Quickstrike but went further by adding significant changes to the airframe. Among the changes was a redesign of the wing gloves to improve maneuverability and supersonic aerodynamics as well as provide room for enough additional fuel that would nearly double the aircraft's range. Other improvements included more powerful engines, improved high-lift devices on the wings for lower carrier landing speeds, and a single-piece cockpit windscreen to improve visibility.

A related proposal was the Attack Super Tomcat 21 (AST21). The AST21 was generally similar to the Super Tomcat 21, but with even more additional fuel carried in a thicker wing and the ability to carry larger external stores, including nuclear weapons. Other improvements were to include the ability to carry bombs beneath the engine nacelles, addition of a forward air control mode to the radar, greater armor protection for the cockpit, and the fitting of an Integrated Defensive Avionics Package (IDAP). As with the Quickstrike proposal, the ST21 and AST21 were both to have been rebuilt from the existing fleet of F-14D aircraft.

Super Tomcat 21

An even less expensive offering from Grumman was the F/A-14D, a proposal to upgrade existing F-14A, F-14B, and F-14D airframes to provide an improved ground attack capability. Improvements were to include bringing all models up to the F-14D standard and also fitting a FLIR, a new databus, a towed decoy, and a full night vision cockpit. The APG-71 radar would also be upgraded with Doppler beam sharpening, synthetic aperture, sea surface search, moving target indication, and terrain-following modes.

The most sophisticated of Grumman's proposals was the ASF-14, intended as a cheaper alternative to the Naval ATF. Unlike the previous models, which were all upgrades to existing airframes, the ASF-14 was to be a radically redesigned new-build aircraft. The ASF-14 would have used the F-14D as a starting point and incorporate many of the multi-role fighter and ground attack features proposed for the Quickstrike and Super Tomcat 21. However, the ASF-14 went much further by integrating methods to significantly lower the aircraft's radar cross-section. In addition, the new design was to feature more powerful engines, to make supercruising possible, plus thrust vectoring nozzles for improved maneuverability. These radical upgrades would have made the ASF-14 the most expensive of Grumman's proposals by far, but offer a significant advancement over the existing F-14 fleet.

But as was indicated earlier, none of these proposals were accepted by the Navy, which has instead focused on the F-18E/F Super Hornet to fulfill the air combat role of the F-14 and attack capabilities of the A-6.

Los creditos a este señor



Que queres que te diga a mi me copa y mal porq demostraba que no hacia falta el superbicho. el ST21 podria haber llegado a lo q es eso y antes y de manera mas barata.

Yo me pregunto si integrando el TCS/IR pod de la trompa en los glove se hubiera logrado reducir un poco mas el RCS.

Voy a ver si con el tiempo voy traduciendo lo q puse arriba pero no prometo nada
interesante data:cool: ...ojala se hubiera logrado el Super Tomcat,pero bue...:( :( :(
pd-posta que se parece a un veritech,incluso mas que el Tomcat original:D :D :D


No se porq se dicen q se parece.
Ok q el flir y pod de navegacion podrian parecer los laser de la cabeza del varitech.
Ok q el esquema blanco con lineas rojas ayuda
Ok que el parabrisas de una sola piesa tambien ayuda.

Pero posta q no lo veo como varitech
juanma_atp dijo:
No se porq se dicen q se parece.
Ok q el flir y pod de navegacion podrian parecer los laser de la cabeza del varitech.
Ok q el esquema blanco con lineas rojas ayuda
Ok que el parabrisas de una sola piesa tambien ayuda.

Pero posta q no lo veo como varitech
¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿?????????????!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
vos mismo estas diciendo que tiene todo para perecerse de vista a un veritech:D :D :D :D ,solo le falta las toberas cuadradas y timones de cola como los del F-18 y listo:D ...tenes un veritech,por lo menos a la vista:D


Tenia una imagen donde se los comparaba
como no la encontre subo esta q muestra lo distintos q son.

Si no quieren verlo por el lado tamaño.
Miren lo distintas q son las trompas.
La parte fija del ala (el angulo)
Y las derivas

che,es raro que los veritech,a pesar de estar inspirado en el F-14,no tengan las superficies de control de la cola,osea los elevadores:eek: :confused:
pd-juanma,si encontras esa imagen con la comparacion subila,porque esa foto de los juguetes me deja algunas dudas,como el tamaño...que tal si simplemente el juguete del F-14 sea mas grande que el del varitech,no por comparar como serian en tamaño real:confused:


La escala de las maquetas es acorde al grafico que tenia yo.
El gato "tiene" algo asi como el doble de peso q el VF-1.

La carencia de los timones de profundidad se deben a que posee toberas vectoriales y alguna q otra tecnologia robada con la llegada del SDF-1.

JJjajaj bue, al menos asi fue diseñado el VF-1 segun la historia.
Al ppio era un caza comun como puso nesher.

Hablando de cosas inspiradas, aca me acorde de otro inspirado en el F14
El Turbo Kat de los Swat Kats

(mepa q flashearon con las caracteristicas jaaj)

Puede ser que en la serie evangelio tambien habia una version de tomcat?


jajaja tambien.
No se si es la presentacion o en algun capitulo q se ve cuando el piloto hace el control de los mandos de vuelo y se ve claramente como se mueven las toberas.

Debes ser joven para haber visto los swats kats, ajajaj.
Googlealo, tenia su onda ese dibujito.
Especialmente por su avion.


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
Los VFs serian muchisimo mas pequeños que los F14s. Yo tengo un par en escala 1/72 y la diferencia es muy grande.


Aca va una muy buena comparativa como para que se den una idea de lo pequeño que es el Veritech comparado con el Tomcat.

otra sencilla imagen de que el tomcat fue utilizado por muchos ambitos. y los hornet? las grullas? mmmmmm no aparecen ehh...
eso era lo que queria Nesher,ahi se nota mejor la diferencia:eek: :cool:
pd-para ser tan pequeño,el varitech,en modo battloid ,parecia mucho mas grande que eso,a veces parecia que median 30 metros de alto:eek: :eek:
tenes razon spawn,a esos no se los utilizo:cool: :D ,no asi como al F-15...por ejemplo,en la serie original de Transformers,Starscream era un F-15:cool:


Als Ich Kan
el tema es que el veritech se suponia que habia sido hecho de ese tamaño, porque habia sido hehco con la macrotecnologia que encontraron en la SDF-1 y que iba a servir para cobatir contra lo que ellos tenian... nadie se imaginaba las moles de batalla de southern cross y posterirores...

con respecto al super tomcat... yo lo veo igual al comun... le agregaron LERX y nada mas... o si?