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Hablando de naves espaciales y sin ir tan lejos, esto es en Cordoba, Argentina. No parece un Star Destroyer?:

PD: Mi casa se ve en esa foto, en la parte superior, un poco a la derecha.
Cordobeses Saludos


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
Finback dijo:
Mmm adentro de esa base naval le gustaría vivir a Astaroth... jeje broma. :D

Y porque no? Seguramente tiene aire acondicionado y una linda red de internet inalambrico :D
Monchi dijo:
Hablando de naves espaciales y sin ir tan lejos, esto es en Cordoba, Argentina. No parece un Star Destroyer?:

PD: Mi casa se ve en esa foto, en la parte superior, un poco a la derecha.
Cordobeses Saludos
jajaj, un star destroyer muy flaco...:D


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
Con lo del star destroyer acabo de flashear esto...

Darth Bush: You are just starting to discover your powers... Join me and I will fulfill your training.

George Skywalker: I'll never join you, I'll never turn to the dark side!

Darth Bush: Bill Clinton has never told you what really happened to your father..

George Skywalker: He told me enough, he told you've killed him

Darth Bush: No! I am your father...

George Skywalker: Nooooooooo, that's not true! That's impossible!!!!

Darth Bush: Search your feelings, you know that it's true.. now join me, and together we shall rule the world as father and son.

George Skywalker: (searcheando his feelings) Yes, you are right... let's invade Iraq daddy! If we are to rule the earth we shall need fuel and oil for our Death star... sorry, I meant Battleships and aircarfts..

Sorry, pero me vino a la mente apenas vi lo del star destroyer
Astaroth_Ns dijo:
Con lo del star destroyer acabo de flashear esto...

Darth Bush: You are just starting to discover your powers... Join me and I will fulfill your training.

George Skywalker: I'll never join you, I'll never turn to the dark side!

Darth Bush: Bill Clinton has never told you what really happened to your father..

George Skywalker: He told me enough, he told you've killed him

Darth Bush: No! I am your father...

George Skywalker: Nooooooooo, that's not true! That's impossible!!!!

Darth Bush: Search your feelings, you know that it's true.. now join me, and together we shall rule the world as father and son.

George Skywalker: (searcheando his feelings) Yes, you are right... let's invade Iraq daddy! If we are to rule the earth we shall need fuel and oil for our Death star... sorry, I meant Battleships and aircarfts..

Sorry, pero me vino a la mente apenas vi lo del star destroyer
no debiste aspirar el polvito blanco que encontraste en la playa de estacionamiento :D


Finback dijo:
números y algunas letras... mmm coordenadas. :D Sorry.

No hace falta que pongas las coordenadas, marca en la foto tu casa con un círculo.:rolleyes:

Tal vez la FAA practique con la Dardo II.:cool: :D :D :D



_DAGO_ dijo:
che miren aca.. que ven..

51º41´15.20* S
57º46´35.20 W

Elev 74 ft

Precen ser aviones para enlace entre las islas, seran de la FIC.

viste que todavia estan los crateres de las bombas en al pista de Pto Argentino?