Aviación del Ejército Argentino.

Los helicópteros se dividen en "de asalto", y "de apoyo al asalto ". Los pesados entran en la segunda categoría.
La situación actual de la Aviación de Ejército permitiría traer seis (6) MI-17. Con eso estaríamos de 9 para 10... Luego, como segundo escalón, podría aspirarse a la incorporación de otros seis en un par de años. Esto debido a la nueva tecnología " rusa", su adaptación, y la disponibilidad de personal.
No estamos en condiciones de incorporar y sostener Chinooks... Ni en diez años.

6 mas los SP?

Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk


Gracias infante, armisael entonces quicistes decir caminá?

Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk
Se refirió a que el 777, al igual que la masa de los nuevos cañones de 155mm, tienen capacidad de desplazamiento autónomo para cambio de posición. Incluso nuestro CALA-30/2.
Qué seis Super? Yo hablo de comprar seis Mi-17, y que convivan con los SP que ya tenemos. Unificar y simplificar. 2/3 Súper Puma y los 6 Mi-17. Los SP serían sostenidos para apoyo de las operaciones antárticas.

Perdon por economizar texto no se entendió, quise decir los 6 mi 17 mas los SP operativos al mismo tiempo.
Lástima que el ministro habló de lo complicado que es el tema de la financiación.
Durante la gesta, cuantos SP había operativos en el EA (no solo en el teatro de operaciones) alguien recuerda?

Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk
La situación actual de la Aviación de Ejército permitiría traer seis (6) MI-17.

Hola Infante, esta es la segunda vez que haces mención de los Mi 17, este es un deseo personal tuyo, o el rio esta sonando?????

PD: te pido un favor, no me respondas con un ;), dale :p:p:p:p.



Jorge II

Serpiente Negra.
No hay ningun rio sonando por el momento, si viene el Mi17 van para la FAA, por el momento hasta diciembre de 2015 hasta que cambie el gobierno se va a seguir con el hornero y recuperar si es posible los dos SP restante, con otro gobierno se sabrá cual es su plan de acción y adquisición.


No hay ningun rio sonando por el momento, si viene el Mi17 van para la FAA, por el momento hasta diciembre de 2015 hasta que cambie el gobierno se va a seguir con el hornero y recuperar si es posible los dos SP restante, con otro gobierno se sabrá cual es su plan de acción y adquisición.
O disolución.



1. El senado de USA jamás aprobaría la venta de tales SdA vía FMS a nuestro país. Por lo menos en el corto plazo.
2. En caso de aprobación de venta vía FMS no es garantía de sostenimiento logístico y operatividad.
3. Cosas mucho menos importantes, que se han querido incorporar vía FMS, han sido vetadas por el senado de USA.

Entonces: Los Huey en Tierra, las Chanchas en tierra........... que diferencia hay entre el sosten logístico de éstos con los UH60 o los CH47?

No son Sdram, letales. Como un F16, F18.............

Y te olvidás un tema, ya empezaron con tibios ofrecimientos, debido a las compras y cercania con Rusia y China. Solo deberían hacer mejores ofertas de material.



PDF Version:
Media/Public Contact:
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, Sep 9, 2014 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Brazil for UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $145 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on September 8, 2014.
The Government of Brazil has requested a possible sale of 3 UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters with 8 T-700-GE-701C engines (6 installed and 2 spares), 12 M-134 7.62mm Machine Guns, 8 H765GU Embedded Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation Systems, spare and repair parts, tools and support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $145 million.
This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of Brazil, which has been, and continues to be, an important force for political stability and economic progress in South America.
Brazil needs these aircraft to fulfill its strategic commitments for additional search and rescue and internal security capabilities. This procurement will upgrade its air mobility capability and provide for the defense of vital installations and close air support for ground forces. Brazil will have no difficulty absorbing these helicopters into its armed forces.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
The principal contractors will be Sikorsky Aircraft (United Technologies) Corporation in Stratford, Connecticut; General Electric Engines in Lynn, Massachusetts; and Dillon Aero Systems in Mesa, Arizona. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.
Implementation of this proposed sale may require the assignment of one contractor representatives to Brazil for a period of up to three years to support the fielding, maintenance, and personnel training.
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.
This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.
All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, [email protected].



Ya les habian vendido los S-70B

PDF Version:
Media/Public Contact:
[email protected]
Transmittal No:
WASHINGTON, Oct 7, 2014 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Brazil for S-70B helicopter follow-on support and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $150 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
The Government of Brazil has requested a possible sale for three years of follow-on support for S-70B helicopters, which includes 1 Tactical Operational Flight Trainer, 5 AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles, spare and repair parts, support equipment, tools and test equipment, personnel training and training equipment, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor technical, engineering, and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support. The estimated cost is $150 million.
The proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of Brazil, which has been, and continues to be, an important force for regional stability and economic progress in South America.
The Government of Brazil will use the follow-on support to improve the level of training for its pilots and enhance the performance of its S-70 fleet. This support will increase Brazil’s operational readiness.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
There are no principal contractors associated with this proposed sale. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.
Implementation of this proposed sale will not require any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives in Brazil. However, travel will be required on a temporary basis for program, technical, and management oversight and support requirements.
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.
This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.
All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, [email protected].