Imágenes del conflicto de Malvinas < fotos >



Algo parece estar pasando en el fondo del canal.
Todos mirando y se ve movimiento.
Estimado Tordo79
Hace bastante lei en este foro, respecto del EA que en los 60 y 70 funcionaba como un cuerpo mas del usa; probablemente la afección a la politica golpes de estado mediante, la alineación con nuestros ¿aliados? permitio que nuestras capacidades fueran mermando hasta el grado de no concebir como organicas hasta 1982 las dos compañias Comandos, ¿que eran nuestras FFEE entonces? ¿un cumulo de PATRIOTAS y punto? dentro de un EA dedicado a ser la tropa de ejecución de planes ecónomicos absolutamente nefastos para nuestro pais. El tiempo todo lo pone en su sitio, ya veremos.
Cordiales saludos

Estimado Bagre, tenemos visiones ideologicas disimiles, pero tambien espero que las cosas finalmente se pongan en su sitio. Nos va la vida en asi de grave. Cordial Saludo!!!

La primera foto es fuego de "contrabateria" argentina??? o pepazos de nuestra Halconada???...Seria lindo que apareciese algun artillero enemigo en el foro...para intercambio de "fuegos" virtuales informaticos...y con nuestros Artilleros "colimandolo"...Grandes fotos Don Eze!!!...sigue con un 100 en sus calificaciones;)


Thursday 27th May 1982

During the afternoon we suffered several air raids, the worst coming late in the afternoon a decoy flight came over the headline over our position and headed over San Carlos water, which drew most of the anti air craft fire. Seconds later 4 more air craft came over the same headland behind us and headed straight down the valley towards the BMA (Brigade maintenance area) at Ajax Bay, San Carlos jetty and 40 Cdo’s southern position. Rapier splashed 2 Sky Hawks and the third probably downed before getting hit, the 4th was splashed by Naval ship. Before they were shot down they had released their loads leaving 4 dead and 26 wounded and having hit an ammo dump in the BMA. Explosions and fired came from the BMA during the remainder of the day and night.
8 Bty prepared 3 guns to move Camilla Creek to support 2 Para's advance on Pradera del Ganso (Goose Green).

Sam recalls the bombing of the BMA from first hand experience
We were hit by four aircraft on 27th of May, in two waves of two air craft. We were out back between two buildings, I don't know why but I looked to my right and there they were coming right at us. Steve and I about faced and started to run. "OOOOO F**k" I aimed for the door, I did not hear the blast just felt this hot slap lifting me off my feet and propelling me through the door I was turned in the air and landed on my back. In time to see Steve flying through the window, he lands like a pile of shit "where's me helmet" Joe says "Ill get it ". With that he dives into the building, the second wave hit. Joe does not come out, Steve and me look at each other "f**k" we say. "You two stop f**king about, Steve here's your helmet, next time get it yourself. Sam can you come with me". Says Joe, Joe led me through to the main building, where he had found a young Royal he had been killed. He was from 45 Cdo, we couldn't leave him there as all the mortar rounds and small arms ammo were brewing up and popping of every where. I ran through the building to where the medics were and picked up a stretcher and blanket, Joe and I carried this lad round to the red and green life machine but sadly he was passed help the medics left him to one side as they dealt with the casualties. We were there for him, and looked after him it was too little and sadly too late. We lost four men that morning and twenty six wounded. It was a long night in the shelter with the rounds popping all around us. The next day we all said we wanted to return to the Bty lines, Joe went off to find out.
Hours later with no Joe, I said I would go and find out. So off I set up the hill, I got to about half a mile and waved but got no response, I went down this dip came up the other side. I got my response about sixty lads pointing weapons at me, I had courage running down both legs. George Jobling was waving like madly at me so I waved back, to which he and everyone else responded by diving into their holes like rabbits, so I look, and I swear its that same A4 trying to mess my day up. I tell you if I had a spare boot I would have thrown it, well I didn't so I turned and ran. Now you all know Dartmoor, Sennybridge and Scotland and how it’s covered in that boggy ground, with big tufts of grass and how hard it is to walk on. Well this was the same shit, and I kid you not I did 110m up hill in twelve strides. I even beat the air craft baring down on us! I dived into the first hole landed head first.
Leroy is in Marsh pops his head out of the shelter "Sam you want a coffee" crap flying every where, his head pops out again " do you take sugar" so I stayed for coffee, and do you know its the best coffee I have ever had because I was home. After the raid I got to see the BSM, I said that if I am going to get it I would rather be with my mates. Than die with people who don't give a shit, he saw my point I went down and told the lads to pack up we are all going home.
That’s Sam’s account of the BMA bombing.

For us up on the gun positions it was also quite a day all round, we took quite a bit of enemy fire throughout the day.

During the Argie air strike on the BMA I was in the middle of the position sorting the ammo. As soon as the first aircraft appeared I grabbed my tin hat and started for cover. Nigel Morrell who was section cmdr grabbed hold of my arm and shouted "sit down ". I looked at him as if he were mad. "Look" he said "if you go charging off across there to your trench, you're more likely to be shot by one of these silly bastards" he said pointing to our guys blasting away with everything they had at the Argie planes. I realised straight away that he of course was right, "players Randy," "please Nigel" then we sat down on the ammo, lit up a players non tipped each and watched all hell break loose.
Thinking back now it's a rather surreal thing to do, but it's amazing how easily you adapt to your surroundings.
As soon as it began it was all over. We sat and finished our fags, Nigel looked at me and said "there must be a few who've copped it over there" pointing to the BMA where the main strike had taken place, which was now shrouded in smoke, flames and the sound of small explosions as the heat reached the pallets of ammo stacked there. "Anyway this lots not going to shift itself, lets get it counted and out to the gun subs" he was referring to the pile of ammo we had just been sitting on smoking during the enemy air strike.

Nigel (Elvis) Morrell was proved right about not moving during an air strike. (George) Paul jobling was hit in the shoulder and wounded with small arms fire from one of our own weapons. How we know it was from our side was revealed a year later when we were in Belize.

The night he was hit George went down and had his wound dressed which at the time it looked like the round had just grazed him. However during our tour in Belize in 1983, George went off to the sick bay complaining of a pain in his shoulder, the doc noticed a small lump in his back just above his shoulder blade. A local anaesthetic was given and a scalpel cut revealed a perfect 7.62 round, which just popped out. It seemed the round was at the end of it's trajectory when it hit him therefore it just had enough left in it to embed itself in his shoulder, during the course of the year it had worked itself out of his back!

At last light the 3 guns from 8 Bty flew to Camilla Creek.

*Nigel (Elvis) Morrell unfortunately died 6 years ago of liver cancer*

The photo below shows the first two strikes on the BMA as seen from 8 Btys Gun position.


Estimado Ezequiel
En referencia al ataque en AJAX BAY....Agradeciendole a VIRIATO su trabajo,aqui tenés la secuencia completa.

Imagenes del bombardeo del dia 27 sobre la base avanzada de Bahia Ajax. Tomadas por los artilleros de la bateria 8.

El link de este post:

ARGIE tambien aportó lo suyo....

El "antes" y el "después" del paso de la escuadrilla Truco.

Capitán Médico Richard Jolly y el cartel en la entrada del hospital de Ajax Bay

Bombas BRP sin explotar en la planta de refrigeración

Dos BRP sin explotar siendo retiradas

Fuente: Interdefensa
Link para repasar..



Veterano Guerra de Malvinas
Miembro del Staff

Thursday 27th May 1982

During the afternoon we suffered several air raids, the worst coming late in the afternoon a decoy flight came over the headline over our position and headed over San Carlos water, which drew most of the anti air craft fire. Seconds later 4 more air craft came over the same headland behind us and headed straight down the valley towards the BMA (Brigade maintenance area) at Ajax Bay, San Carlos jetty and 40 Cdo’s southern position. Rapier splashed 2 Sky Hawks and the third probably downed before getting hit, the 4th was splashed by Naval ship. Before they were shot down they had released their loads leaving 4 dead and 26 wounded and having hit an ammo dump in the BMA. Explosions and fired came from the BMA during the remainder of the day and night.
8 Bty prepared 3 guns to move Camilla Creek to support 2 Para's advance on Pradera del Ganso (Pradera del Ganso (Goose Green)).

Sam recalls the bombing of the BMA from first hand experience
We were hit by four aircraft on 27th of May, in two waves of two air craft. We were out back between two buildings, I don't know why but I looked to my right and there they were coming right at us. Steve and I about faced and started to run. "OOOOO F**k" I aimed for the door, I did not hear the blast just felt this hot slap lifting me off my feet and propelling me through the door I was turned in the air and landed on my back. In time to see Steve flying through the window, he lands like a pile of shit "where's me helmet" Joe says "Ill get it ". With that he dives into the building, the second wave hit. Joe does not come out, Steve and me look at each other "f**k" we say. "You two stop f**king about, Steve here's your helmet, next time get it yourself. Sam can you come with me". Says Joe, Joe led me through to the main building, where he had found a young Royal he had been killed. He was from 45 Cdo, we couldn't leave him there as all the mortar rounds and small arms ammo were brewing up and popping of every where. I ran through the building to where the medics were and picked up a stretcher and blanket, Joe and I carried this lad round to the red and green life machine but sadly he was passed help the medics left him to one side as they dealt with the casualties. We were there for him, and looked after him it was too little and sadly too late. We lost four men that morning and twenty six wounded. It was a long night in the shelter with the rounds popping all around us. The next day we all said we wanted to return to the Bty lines, Joe went off to find out.
Hours later with no Joe, I said I would go and find out. So off I set up the hill, I got to about half a mile and waved but got no response, I went down this dip came up the other side. I got my response about sixty lads pointing weapons at me, I had courage running down both legs. George Jobling was waving like madly at me so I waved back, to which he and everyone else responded by diving into their holes like rabbits, so I look, and I swear its that same A4 trying to mess my day up. I tell you if I had a spare boot I would have thrown it, well I didn't so I turned and ran. Now you all know Dartmoor, Sennybridge and Scotland and how it’s covered in that boggy ground, with big tufts of grass and how hard it is to walk on. Well this was the same shit, and I kid you not I did 110m up hill in twelve strides. I even beat the air craft baring down on us! I dived into the first hole landed head first.
Leroy is in Marsh pops his head out of the shelter "Sam you want a coffee" crap flying every where, his head pops out again " do you take sugar" so I stayed for coffee, and do you know its the best coffee I have ever had because I was home. After the raid I got to see the BSM, I said that if I am going to get it I would rather be with my mates. Than die with people who don't give a shit, he saw my point I went down and told the lads to pack up we are all going home.
That’s Sam’s account of the BMA bombing.

For us up on the gun positions it was also quite a day all round, we took quite a bit of enemy fire throughout the day.

During the Argie air strike on the BMA I was in the middle of the position sorting the ammo. As soon as the first aircraft appeared I grabbed my tin hat and started for cover. Nigel Morrell who was section cmdr grabbed hold of my arm and shouted "sit down ". I looked at him as if he were mad. "Look" he said "if you go charging off across there to your trench, you're more likely to be shot by one of these silly bastards" he said pointing to our guys blasting away with everything they had at the Argie planes. I realised straight away that he of course was right, "players Randy," "please Nigel" then we sat down on the ammo, lit up a players non tipped each and watched all hell break loose.
Thinking back now it's a rather surreal thing to do, but it's amazing how easily you adapt to your surroundings.
As soon as it began it was all over. We sat and finished our fags, Nigel looked at me and said "there must be a few who've copped it over there" pointing to the BMA where the main strike had taken place, which was now shrouded in smoke, flames and the sound of small explosions as the heat reached the pallets of ammo stacked there. "Anyway this lots not going to shift itself, lets get it counted and out to the gun subs" he was referring to the pile of ammo we had just been sitting on smoking during the enemy air strike.

Nigel (Elvis) Morrell was proved right about not moving during an air strike. (George) Paul jobling was hit in the shoulder and wounded with small arms fire from one of our own weapons. How we know it was from our side was revealed a year later when we were in Belize.

The night he was hit George went down and had his wound dressed which at the time it looked like the round had just grazed him. However during our tour in Belize in 1983, George went off to the sick bay complaining of a pain in his shoulder, the doc noticed a small lump in his back just above his shoulder blade. A local anaesthetic was given and a scalpel cut revealed a perfect 7.62 round, which just popped out. It seemed the round was at the end of it's trajectory when it hit him therefore it just had enough left in it to embed itself in his shoulder, during the course of the year it had worked itself out of his back!

At last light the 3 guns from 8 Bty flew to Camilla Creek.

*Nigel (Elvis) Morrell unfortunately died 6 years ago of liver cancer*

The photo below shows the first two strikes on the BMA as seen from 8 Btys Gun position.

En español

Jueves 27 de mayo 1982

Por la tarde hemos sufrido varios ataques aéreos, lo peor viene al final de la tarde de un vuelo señuelo acercó el titular sobre nuestra posición y se dirigió sobre San Carlos de agua, que atrajo la mayor parte del fuego contra naves aéreas. Segundos después 4 más arte del aire llegaron en el mismo promontorio detrás de nosotros y nos dirigimos directamente por el valle hacia el (área de mantenimiento Brigada) BMA en Ajax Bay, San Carlos embarcadero y la posición sur 40 del Cdo. Rapier salpicó 2 Sky Hawks y el tercero probablemente bebió antes de ser golpeado, el cuarto fue salpicado por buque naval. Antes de que fueran derribados habían lanzado sus cargas dejando 4 muertos y 26 heridos y tras haber tocado un depósito de municiones en la BMA. Explosiones y despedido vinieron de la BMA durante el resto del día y la noche.
8 Bty prepararon 3 pistolas para mover Camilla Creek para apoyar avance del 2 Para en Pradera del Ganso (Pradera del Ganso (Goose Green)).

Sam recuerda el bombardeo de la BMA por experiencia de primera mano
Fuimos golpeados por cuatro aviones el 27 de Mayo, en dos oleadas de dos naves de aire. Estábamos en la parte trasera entre dos edificios, que no sé por qué pero me miró a mi derecha y allí íbamos a venir hacia nosotros. Steve y yo sobre enfrentaron y comenzaron a correr. "OOOOO F ** k" Me apunté a la puerta, que no escuché la explosión sentía esta bofetada caliente levantándome de mis pies y me impulsando a través de la puerta, me di la vuelta en el aire y aterrizó en mi espalda. En el momento de ver a Steve volando por la ventana, aterriza como un montón de mierd@ "¿dónde está mi casco" Joe dice "Ill hacer las cosas". Con que se sumerge en el edificio, la segunda ola golpeó. Joe no sale, Steve y yo miramos el uno al otro "f ** k", decimos. "Ustedes dos parada f ** king acerca, Steve aquí está tu casco, la próxima vez lo consigue usted mismo. Sam puede usted venir conmigo". Dice Joe, Joe me llevó hasta el edificio principal, donde había encontrado un joven Royal que lo habían matado. Él era de 45 Cdo, no podíamos salir de allí como todas las rondas de mortero y pequeña munición de armas fueron gestando y apareciendo de todas partes. Corrí por el edificio a donde los médicos estaban y cogí una camilla y una manta, Joe y yo llevé esta ronda muchacho a la máquina de la vida de color rojo y verde, pero ayuda tristemente fue pasado a los médicos lo dejé a un lado a medida que tratan de la bajas. Estuvimos allí para él, y se ocupó de él era demasiado poco y tristemente demasiado tarde. Perdimos cuatro hombres que mañana y veintiséis heridos. Fue una larga noche en el refugio con las rondas apareciendo a nuestro alrededor. Al día siguiente, todos dijimos que queríamos volver a las líneas Bty, Joe se fue a buscar a cabo.
Horas más tarde, sin Joe, me dijeron que me gustaría ir y averiguar. Así, que me juego hasta la colina, llegué a la mitad de una milla y saludé pero no obtuve respuesta, bajé este descenso llegó hasta el otro lado. Tengo mi respuesta unos sesenta chicos apuntando armas a mí, tuve coraje corriendo por las dos piernas. George Jobling agitaba como un loco a mí para que yo le devolví el saludo, a la que él y todos los demás respondió por medio de buceo en sus agujeros como conejos, así que me mira, y juro que su misma A4 tratando de ensuciar mi día para arriba. Me dirá si yo tuviera un arranque libre me habría lanzado, así que no, así que volví y corrí. Ahora todos saben Dartmoor, Sennybridge y Escocia y cómo está cubierto en ese terreno pantanoso, con grandes matas de hierba y lo difícil que es para caminar. Bueno, esto era la misma mierd@, y no es broma me hizo 110m cuesta arriba en doce pasos. Incluso le gané el arte del aire dejando al descubierto sobre nosotros! Me zambullí en el primer hoyo aterrizó de cabeza.
Leroy está en Marsh hace estallar su cabeza fuera del refugio "Sam quiere un café" basura volando por todas partes, la cabeza se sale de nuevo "hacer tomar azúcar" así que me quedé para el café, y ¿sabe usted que es el mejor café que tengo Ha tenido alguna vez, porque yo estaba en casa. Después de la redada que llegué a ver la BSM, le dije que si me voy a conseguirlo yo preferiría estar con mis compañeros. Que morir con las personas que no dan una mierd@, vio mi punto bajé y le dijo a los chicos que empacar todos vamos a casa.
Esa es la cuenta del bombardeo BMA de Sam.

Para nosotros arriba en las posiciones de la pistola también fue un día bastante todo, tomamos un poco de fuego enemigo durante todo el día.

Durante el ataque aéreo Argie en la BMA yo estaba en el medio de la posición de la clasificación de la munición. Tan pronto como el primer avión apareció Cogí mi sombrero de estaño y empecé a cubierto. Nigel Morrell quien fue apartado cmdr agarró mi brazo y gritó: "siéntate". Lo miré como si estuviera loco. "Mira", dijo "si vas a cruzar carga allí a su trinchera, es más probable que se rodará por uno de estos bastardos tontos", dijo señalando a nuestros chicos voladura de distancia con todo lo que tenían en los planos Argie. Me di cuenta de inmediato que él por supuesto tenía razón, "jugadores Randy", "por favor, Nigel", entonces nos sentamos en la munición, encendí un jugadores no reciben propinas todos y vi todo el infierno se desatará.
Pensando ahora es una cosa bastante surrealista que hacer, pero es increíble la facilidad con que usted se adapta a su entorno.
Tan pronto como empezó todo había terminado. Nos sentamos y terminamos nuestras maricones, Nigel me miró y dijo: "debe haber unos cuantos que han copped por allí", señalando a la BMA, donde la huelga principal había tenido lugar, que ahora estaba envuelta en humo, las llamas y el sonido de pequeñas explosiones como el calor llegó a las paletas de munición apilados allí. "De todos modos esto lotes no va a cambiar en sí, deja para conseguir contaba y salir a la subs arma" que se refería a la pila de munición que habíamos sido sentados en el tabaquismo durante el ataque aéreo enemigo.

Nigel (Elvis) Morrell se ha dado la razón en no moverse durante un ataque aéreo. (George) Paul Jobling fue golpeado en el hombro y herido con disparos de armas pequeñas desde una de nuestras propias armas. ¿Cómo sabemos que fue de nuestro lado se reveló un año más tarde, cuando estábamos en Belice.

La noche en que fue golpeado George bajó y se había vestido su herida que en el momento parecía que la ronda sólo le había rozado. Sin embargo, durante nuestra gira en Belice en 1983, George fue a la enfermería quejándose de un dolor en el hombro, el doctor notó un pequeño bulto en la espalda justo por encima de su hombro. Un anestésico local se le dio y un corte de bisturí reveló una perfecta 7.62 ronda, que acaba de hacer estallar hacia fuera. Parecía la ronda estaba al final de ella es trayectoria cuando lo golpeó por lo que acababa de suficiente guardado en ella para incrustarse en el hombro, en el transcurso del año que había trabajado en sí de la espalda!

Por fin la luz los 3 cañones de 8 Bty volaron a Camilla Creek.

* Nigel (Elvis) Morrell lamentablemente murió hace 6 años de cáncer de hígado *

La foto de abajo muestra las dos primeras huelgas en la BMA como se ve desde la posición 8 Btys Gun.



Fecha:25 de abril de 1982
El General de Brigada Mario Benjamin MENENDEZ,Gobernador Militar de las Islas Malvinas,recibe a su hijo el Subteniente Mario Benjamin MENENDEZ del RI MEC 5 en la BAM MALVINAS,al arribar en un C-130.
Última edición:

Fecha:25 de abril de 1982
El General MB MENENDEZ,Gobernador Militar de las Islas Malvinas,recibe a su hijo el Teniente Primero MB MENENDEZ del RI MEC 5 en la BAM MALVINAS,al arribar en un C-130.
No sabia de esta historia , gracias al foro uno aprende cada dia un poquito mas