Sistemas Integrados de Defensa Antitorpedo...


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Básicamente hay tres o cuatro formas de lanzar señuelos desde un buque de superficie:

  • Manual: un marinero fortachón -al grito de "dale! ahora!" arroja el señuelo lo más lejos que puede. Este sistema no ha permitido que ningún buque sobreviva al ataque de un torpedo, por lo cual no es muy recomendable... :rofl:
  • Lanzadores Neumáticos: permiten lanzar señuelos a distancias CORTAS (no tan cortas como en el sistema anterior :smilielol5:)
  • Morteros: permiten lanzar señuelos a distancias MEDIAS
  • Cohetes: permiten lanzar señuelos a distancias LARGAS (más de 2.000 metros del buque)
Los lanzadores suelen disponerse de a pares (uno por banda...) y tienen que cubrir los 360º del buque. Suelen disponerse formando ángulos entre sí y ello es para favorecer la dispersión.

Encontramos que algunos sistemas de lanzamiento, también sirven para lanzar señuelos antimisiles (contra misiles antibuque)

Es algo obvio que a mayor distancia que un buque pueda lanzar un señuelo, mayor será el margen de seguridad que tenga la nave (además de su efectividad intrínseca para perturbar o emular blancos móviles y con ello desviar al torpedo hostil)

Es un moderno sistema de lanzamiento de señuelos, que puede disparar los señuelos existentes SEA GNAT y que cuenta con dos lanzadores tipo:
  • el DL-6T para buques pequeños (Corbetas por ej.)
  • el DL-12T para buques mayores
El sistema puede ampliarse para controlar hasta 24 tubos de lanzamiento a cada lado del barco y se ha diseñado para ofrecer una cobertura de 360º contra torpedos atacantes. Se pueden disparar con el SKWS los señuelos
  • Lead Mk 12, Mk 13 Mk 14 y Mk 15
  • LESCUT de Rafael
Naval Decoy Systems
Soft Kill Weapon System (SKWS)

The Terma Naval Decoy System is a cost efficient, reliable and efficient system, providing a ship with 360 degrees self-protection against threats from missiles and torpedoes. Terma's system may employ any form of standard decoy and can be installed on all types of ships, as it is extremely light and robust.
Naval Decoy systems are also termed Soft Kill Weapon Systems (SKWS), because they redirect the attacking weapons as opposed to destroying it.

Naval Decoy Systems

Decoy Launching Systems for the Modern Frigate

The Terma Naval Decoy System is an intelligent and comprehensive decoy system solution. It includes launchers, electronics equipment, software algorithms and a console with a simple and intuitive user interface.

The system is open and flexible and has been designed for easy integration into the ship's command and control systems for combat management and electronic warfare. Terma has developed a unique automatic ammunition identification system, which shortens the loading cycle and prevents the potential devastating effect of using the wrong decoy.

In order to achieve the best decoy defence on modern naval ships today, it is important to evaluate not only the parameters of the ship, but also which decoy solution that provides the best own ship protection. Launching platforms and the number of tubes required in order to fully benefit from the advantages of the new types of decoys available today have to be addressed in order to achieve effective self-protection.

Prime requirements to the decoy launching system has so far been to protect own ship against RF (Radio Frequency), IR (Infra Red), and dual mode missiles. During the last few years, anti-torpedo defense, using an acoustic decoy, has also been possible. New decoys that protect own ship against laser guided missiles and visual guided missiles are under development.

The Terma SKWS Decoy Launching System has proven highly effective through multiple tests performed by the Royal Danish Navy (RDN) for more than ten years. The cooperation with RDN is ongoing, and the system is in continuous development in order to counter the new challenges in modern Electronic Warfare. The Terma Naval Decoy System is well on its way to being established internationally with the system in service in different configurations in Romania, Australia, Chile, USA, Norway, the Netherlands, and Denmark.


Terma SKWS Decoy System for Australia’s Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyer Program
The Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) Alliance has awarded Terma a contract worth approx. USD 5 million for the supply of the Soft Kill Weapon System (SKWS) for the AWD's Anti Ship-Missile Defence System. The AWD decoy launching system capability includes four deck mounted MK-137 130 mm decoy launchers, launch control computer, and launcher interface unit. The system can be operated from the dedicated control units or via the Australian Tactical Interface (ATI). The system will support both passive and active decoys, and is prepared for further upgrade


Miembro del Staff
Delfin... ¿podes averiguar algo sobre los sistemas antitorpedo de los navíos rusos?...

Están basados en el Smerch, creo.
los rusos son los unicos que tienen un sistema activo Hard kill en servicio... el UDAV-1
les paso un pdf escaneado de una parte de la nota "Defensa antitorpedos para buques de superficie" publicada en "Revistas de Publicaciones Navales" del circulo de la ARA..
es un extracto de una nota publicada en "NAVAL FORCES" Nº3 1997
solo pongo la parte referida al UDAV-1 , ya que el resto es bastante redundante.