Israel fotos militares

Durante la operación militar "Tsuk Eitan, cuando su casa en el Kibbutz Kfar Aza estaban bajo bombardeo continuo, estaban en la escuela secundaria. Ahora, soldados, son siguen juntos- y están todo lo posible para que su país haciendo era seguro.

En la frontera de la franja de Gaza estos días sirven tres soldados, que habían crecido en el kibutz de Kfar Aza: Sargento médico de Rr Bar-Ilan-militar en la brigada sur, corporal Shir Segal-observador en el norte de la franja Gaza y Sargento Guy Raed, sirviendo en la brigada de Givati. Los tres fueron en la escuela secundaria, "Shaar Hanegev y se quedaron juntos y mientras servía en el ejército.



Francia se ha convertido en el principal proveedor de voluntarios de las FDI
Estadísticas del Ministerio de defensa muestran que en la última década se ha triplicado el número de judíos en el extranjero ir voluntariamente a servir en las FDI. 43% de los voluntarios extranjeros son ciudadanos de Francia.

Voluntarios extranjeros (juvenil)-los judíos que no son ciudadanos israelíes y eligiendo servir de Tsahal.

el año 2015 fue un récord en este sentido. En las FDI, fueron voluntariamente a servir 381 extranjeros voluntarios, 43% de ellos son ciudadanos de Francia, 38% de los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos. Para la comparación, en el año 2005 en el ejército israelí sólo había 115 voluntarios extranjeros.

Personas que deseen servir en Tsahal, Curso propedéutico de seguridad probado servicio mes y 18 meses de servicio militar. La mayoría de ellos sirve en las unidades militares y elite y generalmente pide extensión del servicio de.

Este año, el servicio fue a voluntarios de Francia, Estados Unidos, Rusia, Australia, Suecia, Suiza, Grecia, Italia, Alemania, Irlanda, Sudáfrica, Marruecos, Panamá, Perú y otros países.
Con toda la hostilidad que ha tenido Francia para con Israel estos tiempos
"About as I scolded myself, scrambling up the Hill at night in a snowstorm on Mount Hermon. In the words of Ostap Bender: "dream idiot!" after much cajoling and disputes with military superiors at the various levels, I painstakingly worked his way fighter in climbing unit Obory Army of Israel. And now I was "sidru"-something like the young soldier courses with other recruits. Climbing SWAT unit rezervistskoe-completed "graduates" of the most elite special forces of the IDF. Basically this is the legendary "caeret", "but there are also those who served" saeret Matkal special forces paratroopers brigade, "and other equally elite parts. And now with this pride of our army and I had to keep up and try not to hit the face, more precisely in the snow. Given that almost all the guys were 10 years younger than me, I felt very uneasy. But, as the saying goes, a penny-pound body. Of course, I went there not to be able to get plenty of skiing, but because he believed that as a fighter will be very useful in that unit, where I can apply more and their climbing and mountain skills and medical (e) education, it is never superfluous. Therefore, although physically it was very hard, I though I berated myself, but deep down thought so and unbearable exercises then ensures easy in battle ".

"Cider includes km marches, mostly in snowstorms with full combat, and naturally climbing ammunition. A machine with 5 shops, helmet and ice is added to bronežiletu, snowshoes, "cats", ropes, hooks, and, of course, skiing. As well as sleep fall in the dugout in the snow cave, and spade. By the way, sleeping in the cave is quite warm, but until vyroeš′ it with you come down 40 jackpots so you have more drag with itself and change of linen, and of course, sleeping bag. In short, the backpack is obtained tâžëlen′kij. In addition, I like the provider, based on another stretcher for transporting the wounded. The tasks of the special forces is not only to collect intelligence about our Syrian and Lebanese enemies, but also protection of the ski resort on Mount Hermon. Therefore, during training exercises, in addition to Marsh throws, fighters are improving climbing equipment, orientation in mountainous terrain in all weather conditions, the master work of the rescuers. And of course we go skiing. Those who, like me, spent a fair amount of time at the resorts in the Alps, will be very surprised to see ski gear Special: it is very different from the one on which the ride in Davos, Chamonix and San Antonio. Let's start with skis: they are mountain and plain, so they "direct", not newfangled "karvingi". And not "hard", and enable you to optionally omit the heel, allowing you not only to slide off the mountain, but also climb on it. Boots the same way differ from friends I ski. They are also not hard plastic and soft rubber, because the fighter should not just skiing, but run on a slope. All this greatly complicates the process. As equipment improved more, and skating technique too unusual. In vain I looked down last winter training skiers on the slopes of the Hermon mountain climbers. What seemed uncertain landing "Kettle" was due to the fact that soft boots of riot policemen do not allow the adoption of more elegant rack. In addition to slide off the mountain with a backpack behind not easier than climbing on it. Oh, and napadalsâ I used to before this new gear for me.
But you get used to everything. And to cold, and snow, and to the gravity of the backpack, and the obledenelomu sandwich with chocolate butter for breakfast, lunch and dinner during March-throw. You get used to, because you feel support their new fighting friends, which guide and raise when you fall for the umpteenth time on the icy slope, and will share the last SIP of hot tea. Lord, only begin to understand what a delicious thing-hot tea. All the time there I dreamed about it as Gleb Zheglov dreamed of "supčike Yes with giblets". Speaking of Žeglove, to be more precise about Vysotsky. When during March-throw I stopped to berate myself last words, to take heart, began to read aloud poems Vysotsky:

We chop steps,
Not a step back,
And from naprâžen′â
My knees tremble.

Guys first looked with some anxiety, whether things are not doctor wisely from the cold and fatigue, but then used to. And one of them, kibbucnik of the Negev-Yair, even learned a couple of lines:
The guy in the mountains push-take your best shot,
Do not leave it.

No guys I didn't throw. The corpse of my frigid and okočenevšij to the dotaŝat database. No wonder the same technique we have rehearsed transporting the wounded. So now choose snowdrift deeper-and svalûs′. Such a kind white snowdrift, sugrobik, coffin.

Whoa, that is there for the lights through the darkness and fog make? Did all the same base?

Lord, so I passed this "sidru". Weathered. Correctly wrote Vladimir Semenovich:

And there is no such vertices, which cannot take. "

Última edición:
Esta bien ganas nos rendimos es mas estamos dispuestos a confraternizar, digo yo no tendrás alguna cuarentona ????? mira que paso los 60 ... bananarockbansalud y la maquinaria .... y las exigencias vos me entendes biuhhhh yo soy un viejo C-47 y estas soldados son F-22 :p:D son solo para verlas pasar thumbb