The aircraft carrier USS George Washington of the US Navy embarked personnel from Argentina,...

As part of its journey with its final destination being Japan, and as part of Southern Seas 2024, the aircraft carrier USS George Washington...

ENAER will present the progress of the PILLAN II Project for the Chilean Air...

FIDAE 2024 is the stage to present the latest advancements of the Sistema de Entrenamiento Integrado para Pilotos Militares (Integrated Training System for Military...

ZM at FIDAE – DTS and its key role in the simulation systems of...

During our visit to the International Air and Space Fair 2024 (FIDAE), Zona Militar had the opportunity to meet one of the most renowned...

While awaiting modernization, the Chilean Air Force commemorated the 18th anniversary of the arrival...

At the end of January, the Chilean Air Force commemorated the 18th anniversary of the arrival of its F-16C/D Block 50 fighters. The milestone,...

The Chilean Navy prepares for its participation in the DESI 2025 exercise in the...

In view of the upcoming edition of the DESI exercise (Diesel Electric Submarine Initiative), the Chilean Navy held a meeting for analysis and planning...

Images of the Leopard 2 modernized by Aselsan have emerged, resembling the proposal for...

Thanks to a recent broadcast on TRT News dedicated to Aselsan, images of the modernization of the Leopard 2A4 tank turret proposed by the...

With more than 100 aircraft on display and 40 participating countries, FIDAE 2024 kicks...

Amid great anticipation, the world's leading aerospace companies and air forces from the region gather in Santiago, Chile, to participate in the 2024 Air...
Portada T-35 Pillan

ZM at FIDAE – ENAER presents the cockpit upgrade of the T-35 Pillan for...

As part of providing support and logistical sustenance to the fleet of ENAER T-35 Pillan training aircraft, the Chilean company ENAER has developed an...