Todo sobre el Eurofigther Typhoon


Nuevo radar para el Eurofighter

Martes 14 de marzo de 2006

La nueva generación de radares de barrido electrónico (E-Scan) ya ha salido del laboratorio para comenzar sus pruebas en vuelo. Efectivamente las pruebas operacionales del nuevo Euroradar CAESAR tuvieron lugar en Wiltshire Gran Bretaña el pasado 24 de febrero.

El CAESAR (Captor Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar) es un radar de demostración desarrollado y financiado por el consorcio Euroradar, formado por varias compañías punteras de la industria europea – SELEX Sensors & Airborne Systems (S&AS), EADS Defence Electronics Germany, Galileo Avionica de Italia e INDRA de España.

El CAESAR ha sido especialmente desarrollado para ser integrado en el Eurofighter Typhoon . Construido a partir del radar Captor de barrido mecánico y que ha probado ser extremadamente efectivo, CAESAR introduce tecnología AESA- Active Electronically Scanned Array (conjunto de antenas activas de alineamiento en fase que propician un enorme salto tecnológico en el reconocimiento y la identificación de objetivos.

Elementos fundamentales de estos avanzados sistemas de sensores son los haces de antenas dotados de módulos de transmisión/recepción miniaturizados que se basan en novedosos procesadores de señales modulares). La introducción de esta tecnología permitirá aumentar las prestaciones del Captor mientras mantienen las excelentes características del sistema original.

Una vez integrado y probado en tierra mediante el programa de evaluación CECAR formado por un consorcio gubernamental anglo-germano, el prototipo del CAESAR fue montado en un BAC1-11 que sirvió de banco de pruebas volante Durante el vuelo de tres horas de duración el radar llevó a cabo enganches sobre blancos aéreos y demostró las ventajas operacionales y de rendimiento de este tipo de tecnología E-Scan en cazas de superioridad aérea.

Para la segunda mitad de 2006 se espera continuar con las pruebas en vuelo y en ellas se probaran las mejoras en sus capacidades de detección y enganche de blancos en tierra y en encuentros aire-aire



Detecto a un TIFON a 160 km,a un hercules 320 km,mas o menos esa es la relacion.

Ok Gracias, pero igual me parece un radar medio chico para semejante avion, por lo que veo el Northrop Grumman's AN/APG-68(V)9 es mucho mejor.:confused:


Si detectas un caza a 160 km y le lanzas un METEOR a 135 km ¿que mas quieres?ademas es capaz de blocar 20 objetivos simultaneos y ordenar la prioridad de cada uno,suma a eso su capacidad aire-tierra y aire-mar,y ser muy resistente a las ECM.Toda una garantia.




Cual es la fuente del alcance de detección y en que condiciones se lograron esas prestaciones?, a gran altitud?, sin ECM?, es posible saber en que modo de radar?...

165km...contra un Typhoon...¿Estába armado el Typhoon?...

Porque si estába en limpio y suponemos que el aspecto en el cual se produce la detección es digamos..."donde el EF ofrece su mejor prestación de reducción de firma de radar"...que por ahí dicen que va de 1m2 a 0.1m2 (de la realista a la de risa)... que le tomaría respeto al Caesar!!!

Pero, la verdad, o el EF tiene una RCS "nominal" (para no irnos a tecnicismos) mas alta de lo que pensamos (la 1m2 suena exacta)...o algo no cuadra...porque el rango de detección del Hercules en concordancia con el del Typhoon en las pruebas no cuadra con una firma menor a 1m2...

Dicho sea de paso, PEAZO de radar...y no, lo lamento, los numeritos son mucho mas altos que los que el brochure da para el AN/APG-68(v)9.



No se las condiciones de las pruebas,pero supongo que conforme se vayan haciendo mas pruebas,mas datos saldran a la luz.



El radar ECR-90 fue concedido a EuroRadar conformada por DASA, INISEL y FIAR conducido por Marconi (hoy el conjunto sistemas BAe).
Los primeros ensayos de este fueron realizados en enero de 1993 sobre un BAC-111 británico, los problemas surgieron en los instantes y se dieron por las interferencias entre la cúpula protectora de la antena del EFA y el mismo radar.
Estos problemas fueron luego ajustados por DASA.
El primer modelo del ECR-90 compatible con el EFA fue el DA5 Alemán probado en febrero de 1997, le siguieron el DA4 y DA5 actuando como desarrollo del ECR-90, al finalizar el proceso de desarrollo en 1999 paso a denominarse Captor.

El Captor es un radar de 3ra generación que funciona en bandas de pulso doppler (8-12 ghz), siendo un desarrollo en base al radar Blue Vixen.
Este radar posee las funciones long range search
(Búsqueda de largo alcance), track and continuous illumination (misiles semi-activos), Air-surface posee un software que le suministra información en tiempo real MIL-STD 2167A capas de interpretar 500.000 códigos.
Posee 61 módulos (SRis) intercambiables como así también 6 lines de LRUs intercambiables lo que le da un peso de 193 kg.

Los modos que utiliza el Captor son 3 básicos en casi todas las aeronaves Mult.-función: long range air to air (largo alcance), close range visual (corto alcance) y air to surface (aire-superficie).
En combates a largo alcance el Captor seleccionara automáticamente el modo apropiado dependiendo de la situación, por ejemplo a larga distancia seleccionara una frecuencia de búsqueda de pulso baja (LPRF) mientras que en funciones aire-superficie la frecuencia de repetición seda de pulso alto (HPRF).

El radar iniciara automáticamente un modo de exploración (TWS) para diferentes blancos (20), este sistema de exploración (DAS) reduce al mínimo el movimiento de la antena cuando se selecciona un blanco especifico.

En combate cercano el Captor ajustara automáticamente el modo para que se esclavice el radar hacia un solo objetivo lo que implica una mayor precisión y también permite la interacción entre el radar y el casco HUD para luego usar el armamento determinado en este caso el ASRAAM.
Como otra capacidad el Captor puede seleccionar blancos en superficie y mar, el sistema GMTI le permite la selección de blancos en movimiento.

El modo sintético (SAR) le permite una resolución de objetos de 1 m, en vuelos de prueba se han detectado resoluciones de hasta 0.3 m el cual fue incorporado en el Tranche II.
El sistema VTAS le permite al piloto manejar los modos del radar manualmente, alterar la selección de blancos y clasificación.

En 1997 el Captor logro detectar a un mismo EFA a una distancia de 160 km, mientras que a un avión de su doble RCS lo detecto al doble de dicha distancia, la exactitud de detección es de 10m, mientras que el Angulo de exactitud para obtención de objetivos ronda el 1 mili radian, el radar es capas de seguir hasta 20 objetivos simultáneamente, identificarlos y darle prioridad.

Este sistema fue diseñado por la división Británica de Raytheon, DASA, MID y ENOSA, diseñado para una interoperabilidad en la OTAN y es completamente compatible con los sistemas IFF MK XII que sigue siendo modernizable.
Este nuevo sistema puede complementarse con la electrónica del EFA mediante un databas STD 1553B.
El radar posee la capacidad de realizar IFF non-coperative o Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR).

Futuro del Captor: AMSAR
Se realizaran mejoras en la capacidad operacional de Captor, modernización en el hardware como ser en los módulos, otras mejoras se centran en las capacidades ECCM.
Entre otras mejoras a tener en cuenta es por ejemplo la velocidad de exploración, y las facilidades de detección que implica los nuevos radares SAR, a los efectos sobre RCS.
En 1993 se firmo un acuerdo entre Francia e Inglaterra al cual luego se le sumo Alemania para desarrollar el proyecto AMSAR or Airborne Multi-mode Solid-state Active-array Radar que le será provisto tanto al EDA como al Rafale (este portando hoy dia el el ERB-2).

El radar en su fase de desarrollo estaba compuesto por módulos (MMIC) Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit, cuyo costo unitario ronda los 400 a 500 euros, debió ser construido un modelo de estos, ya que el proyecto constaba de 3 fases, las 2 primeras para demostrar la vialidad del proyecto, y la ultima de fabricación.
En 1998 finalizo el proyecto y se fabricaron 144 módulos para luego probarlos. Luego de las pruebas se dio el visto bueno para la fabricación de 1000 módulos, el cual se los probo en vuelo en un Canadair de BAe diseñado para guerra electrónica, este tipo de radar estará operativo en el Tranche 3 ya que esta previsto en las partidas presupuestarias en los proyectos establecidos.

Unos datos mas, el radar Captor (ECR-90) tiene una capacidad de procesamiento de 3.000 millones de operaciones por segundo, por ser un radar mecánico es impresionante la capacidad que tiene, además, posee 61 módulos reemplazables (SPU), los módulos ADA son compatibles con los MIL-STD 2167 A.
El Captor puede detectar aviones del mismo RCS a distancias de 160 Km., mientras que aviones del tamaño de un C-130 a 300 Km.

En cuando al modo SAR, este tendrá una definición de 0.3 m, al igual que el modo GMTI, el AN/APG-80 posee prácticamente las mismas características en cuanto a definición.

El modo SAR le permite un radio de acción de 80 km, en modo sea-surface-search-and-track posee una alcance de 130 km.


Lo pongo acá para que aquellos que tengan noticias del desarrollo AESA lo vuelquen.



Tienes algunos datos un poco anticuados.
Como ya se comentó en el antiguo foro, AMSAR está prácticamente muerto. Francia tiró demasiado hacia su lado y el proyecto no tiene mucho futuro, sobre todo porque ya se están haciendo pruebas con la version AESA del Captor, el CAESAR (Captor Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar), que además será totalmente compatible con el CAPTOR actual, simplemente se sustituirá la antena mecánica por una nueva.


Eurofigther Typhoon: Nota imperdible y larguísima

Hago un C&P de la nota que Spirit habia colgado en el viejo foro, estupenda nota que no podia faltar aca
Eurofighter's plane finally comes in
by Michal Fiszer
Sep. 15, 2005

The Eurofighter Typhoon is finally reaching full operational service, with its Tranche 1 aircraft due to be delivered to customers by the end of this year. The Eurofighter program is one of the major European defense efforts and can be compared to the US F/A-22. Both aircraft have their roots in the Cold War, and both were initially developed with a focus on the air-to-air role. The Eurofighter Typhoon has been widely criticized in the press around the world. The program was cited for its long development cycle and high cost. But it must be remembered that state-of-the-art European technologies were integrated in the aircraft.

The Typhoon has all the capabilities typical for modern, fourth-generation fighters. It has a powerful radar of impressive range, target-tracking, and electronic-counter-countermeasures (ECCM) capabilities, as well as modern, beyond-visual-range (BVR) missiles. It will be equipped with an even more powerful, active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and longer-range BVR missiles in the form of Meteors. It also has tremendous maneuverability and dynamic flight characteristics in terms of acceleration, climb, and a wide flight envelope, which makes it a demanding enemy in a dogfight. The Typhoon will have a helmet-mounted display integrated in the subsequent tranches of aircraft, with agile air-to-air missiles slaved to the helmet cueing system. In an attack role, the aircraft will be able to perform standoff strikes against well-defended targets. It will be also able to engage ground targets with various types of weapons regardless of weather, day and night. Weapons load and combat radius are also high, enabling a considerable punch against a ground target, even deep inside enemy territory, suggesting potential usefulness as a suppression-of-enemy-air-defenses (SEAD) and anti-ship platform. The aircraft is also tailored to a network-centric warfare environment: it is equipped with a MIDS data-distribution system and three multifunction color displays. The pilot's workload has been reduced through the automation of many functions and by introduction of a direct-voice-input system together with hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) controls.

But at the same time, the Typhoon has a relatively large radar cross-section (RCS) as compared to its peers. Some low-observability features were used but not to the extent employed on the F/A-22 Raptor or F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), or even the French Rafale. Detailed figures are classified, but an unofficial source says that the Typhoon has about a 1-square-meter RCS. Such a figure is quite a good achievement, since it is only about 0.13% of the RCS of the Su-27/30/35 and about 0.2% of the RCS of the MiG-29. However, it is significantly than the F/A-22's figure, which is reportedly in the region of 0.05 sq m. This is one point that brings much criticism to the aircraft. But it has to be considered that the balance between various features and capabilities is always a trade-off of one for the other.

All of the countries that will employ the Typhoon claim it is a multirole aircraft. However, the balance in air-to-air and air-to-ground emphasis is different for each. The UK is placing the greatest emphasis on the attack role. Spain sees both roles as roughly equal. Germany initially had placed greater emphasis on the air-to-air role, but as Tornado units are reduced in strength, the Typhoon will be required to carry a greater share of the strike load. Italy will use the Typhoon mainly as an air-defense fighter, with some attack capabilities to supplement its planned future acquisition of the JSF. And finally, the sole firm export customer at the time of this article, Austria, assigns pure air-defense and air-policing missions to its Typhoons and does not want any air-to-ground capabilities.

One common aspect for all "Eurofighter countries" is that potential enemies do not posses the most sophisticated military equipment, and "full stealthness" is not required to confront them. Comparatively simple and less costly radar-cross-section-reduction measures are deemed adequate, such as radar-absorbing materials (RAM) and management of electromagnetic, infrared, and noise signatures. There are other "non-stealth" engineering features to reduce detection: for example, the air intakes are shaped in such a way that the engines' compressor blades are not visible to enemy radars from the front. At the same time, to increase aircraft survivability, an advanced self-protection system was developed. It is also emphasized that, in the F/A-22 and F-35, a low RCS has been achieved at the cost of weapons-payload reduction, mostly due to the lack of external ordnance. One Typhoon representative said to the author: "What is the use of stealth if you don't have weapons?"

The Typhoon is a symbol of state-of-the-art European technology, the product of the European approach to combat aircraft, and an example of European cooperation, with all the resulting advantages and disadvantages. Eurofighter's order log book is currently set at 638 aircraft, and this is a respectable figure, especially when compared with Europe's other two fourth-generation fighters, not to mention Russian industry. Presently, only the US F-35 JSF is to be procured in larger numbers, although no contract for series production has been signed yet. The orders for the F/A-22 are also considerably lower -- down to 180 at the time of this writing -- and its export potential is next to zero, for a number of reasons, not the least of which is its shock-inducing $350-million sticker price. The Eurofighter consortium hopes to sell many aircraft to export customers, although some recent high-profile efforts have failed, such as in Singapore, or are uncertain, such as in Greece. Nevertheless, the market potential of the Typhoon is still high


The Typhoon's roots can be traced as back as to 1970, when the UK Royal Air Force (RAF) issued Air Staff Target (AST) 396 for a short-take-off/vertical-landing (STOVL) aircraft to replace Jaguars and Harriers in the attack role. In 1972, when the initial experiences of US operations in the Vietnam War were analyzed, a new requirement was issued in the form of AST 403, in which secondary air-superiority capabilities were added. The UK realized that development costs of the new aircraft might be too high, so it turned to Germany and France for cooperation. Already at that time, differences between the potential partners were obvious. France also wanted a Jaguar replacement but did not want fighter capabilities so as to create a competitor for its own Mirages. Germany wanted more of a fighter than a strike aircraft, since the country was concerned about a possible Warsaw Pact mass air attack against its territory and also because the Luftwaffe had just fielded new ground-attack aircraft: the Tornado and the Alpha Jet. Meanwhile, the RAF dropped its STOVL requirement, because it decided that it could defend its airbases and, thus, did not need a front-line aircraft that traded performance for the ability to operate from secondary strips. Only in 1979 were the conflicting requirements reconciled so that the three countries could conduct a two-year European Combat Fighter (ECF) study. British Aerospace (now BAE Systems, Warton UK), MBB (later DASA and now EADS, Munich, Germany) and Avions Marcel Dassault (now Dassault Aviation, Paris, France) were involved in the study from the industrial side. At the same time, the companies developed their own projects in parallel, such as the British P.106 and later P.110 and the German TKF-90. Finally, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the UK decided to stop endless discussion, and her government allocated $143.5 million for an Experimental Aircraft Project (EAP) aimed at building a future-fighter-technology demonstrator. The program resulted in a prototype, which aerodynamically was very similar to the present Typhoon, except for the wing shape: the EAP had a double-swept delta, whereas the Typhoon would have a constant-swept delta.

In the early 1980s, the program accelerated, because the first information about new advanced Soviet air-superiority fighters, the Su-27 and MiG-29, reached the West. A new program, the Future European Fighter Aircraft (F/EFA), was agreed to, and requirements were again discussed. At this stage, France wanted to build a smaller aircraft suitable also for carrier operations, which was not a requirement for the other countries. Moreover, France wanted to lead the program on the basis of its experience in the development of supersonic fighter aircraft. France finally left the F/EFA program in 1985 and built its own technology demonstrator, the Rafale A (see "Storm Warning"). But, in the meantime, Italy and Spain joined the international effort, although disagreements continued. Germany and Italy, in the face of the introduction of the Tornado IDS, pursued mainly an air-defense and air-superiority fighter with no air-to-ground capabilities. Britain, despite the fact it was also introducing Tornados into service, wanted a multirole aircraft, and Spain did, too. But the program continued and the partners finally managed to agree. The Eurofighter consortium was established in June 1986.

According to an unofficial statement by a Eurofighter representative, the withdrawal of the French was a relief for the others, since this eliminated many conflicting requirements. The share between the involved companies was 33% for BAe, 33% for MBB, 21% for Aeritalia (now Alenia, Torino, Italy), and 13% for CASA (now EADS-CASA, Getafe, Spain). The balance refers to development of the aircraft. The production share is different and will be discussed later.

Final requirements for the EFA were issued by all four countries in November 1988. Later that same month, the four countries signed a full-scale development contract. Initially, nine prototypes were to be built, but the number was later reduced to seven. Construction of the prototypes started in late 1989, in the twilight of the Cold War, and in accordance with the requirements set at that time. The first prototype (DA1) was completed in May 1992, and the program seemed to be on track, although the Soviet Union was no more.

Eurofighter Prototypes

After extensive ground tests, simulations of the operation of the flight-control system, and system checks, the DA1 prototype built by DASA in Ottobrunn, Germany, flew on March 27, 1994. The DA2 second prototype built by BAe in Warton, UK, flew on April 6, 1994. The first two prototypes, both single-seaters, were powered by RB199 engines from Tornado aircraft and did not have radar or most of the avionics systems.

The flight-test program was conducted very carefully, with many ground simulations and tests. Despite that, one aircraft was lost, the two-seat DA6 on November 21, 2002, when both engines flamed out. Overall, the tests went relatively smoothly, and the technical problems typical for any sophisticated design were gradually solved.

Eurofighter Prototypes

Number Military No. Assembled First Flight Remarks

DA1 98+29 Ottobrunn March 27, 1994 Aerodynamic tests, single-seater

DA2 ZH588 Warton April 6, 1994 Aerodynamic tests, single-seater

DA3 MMX602 Torino June 4, 1995 Engine tests, stores-carrying tests, single-seater

DA4 ZH590 Warton March 4, 1997 Avionics and radar tests, two-seater

DA5 98+30 Ottobrunn Feb. 25, 1997 Radar and advanced avionics tests, flight-control tests, single-seater

DA6 XCE-16-01 Getafe Aug. 31, 1996 Two-seater systems tests; climatic tests; two-seater; lost on Nov. 21, 2002

DA7 MMX603 Torino Jan. 1, 1997 Weapons tests, single-seater

Later prototypes – DA4, DA5, and DA7 – were also used for various weapons tests. The first AIM-9 Sidewinder test occurred Dec. 14, 1997, and the first launch of an unguided AIM-120 AMRAAM took place two days later. The first guided test of an AIM-120 AMRAAM against two targets simultaneously occurred on March 15, 2005, which cleared the aircraft for the AIM-120B and AIM-120C-5. Tests of the AIM-132 ASRAAM were completed on June 15, 2005.

Although the tests did not present major problems, the political situation in the world did. The end of the Cold War caused major reconsideration of the whole Eurofighter program. In 1995, the countries involved cut back on the number of aircraft they required: Germany from 250 to 140 (later increased to 180, with the additional 40 to be procured after 2012), the UK from 250 to 232, Italy from 165 to 121, and Spain from 100 to 87. The share of production work for Eurofighter is set at 37% for the UK, 30% for Germany, 20% for Italy, and 13% for Spain.

Attack and Identification System (AIS)

All of the Typhoon's major sensors were integrated into a single Attack and Identification System (AIS). The AIS has been integrated with the use of the 1,000-Mbit/sec. STANAG 3910 optical data bus. A similar data bus has been used for navigation-avionics integration, while five 100-Mbit/sec. MilStd 1553 data buses were used to integrate other systems. The AIS mainly consists of the Captor radar, the Pirate infrared (IR) sensor, and the MIDS tactical data-exchange system, as well as associated processing systems. Two powerful computers based on Motorola 68020 processors are used in the AIS: the Avionics Computer (AC) and the Navigation Computer (NC). Both fully exchange information between one another (i.e., data from the navigation computer are also used for attack solutions, and vice versa).

The $394.2-million contract for development of a production radar was awarded to the EuroRADAR consortium on March 16, 1989. It was initially known as the ECR-90, and the production unit was called the "C-Model," as is common practice in the British defense industry. In September 2000, the radar was named Captor. The first production Captor radar was delivered in March 2001. At the same time, the development example of Captor radar successfully flew in Germany on aircraft DA5.
The DASS for Spain's Typhoons will include all of the systems, save the laser-warning receiver. However, inclusion of the laser warner is still under consideration.

The Captor is a multimode radar, working in the I/J-band frequency range (8-12 GHz). It has a mechanically steered, grooved, flat (planar) metal antenna, with a diameter of 70 cm. Four electrical servos are used for quick antenna movements horizontally and vertically. The selection of a mechanical scan over a passive electronically scanned antenna was made, because it was assessed that such a solution was proven, and an advanced mechanically scanned antenna could offer better performance than an early electronically scanned antenna. It is now expected that, in the future, the radar will receive an active electronically scanning array (AESA).

The 193-kg Captor is a modular design with 61 shop-replaceable units (SPUs) and six line-replaceable units (LRUs). The LRUs are the two receivers, two transmitters, the antenna, and the processor. The radar processor can perform three-billion operations per second and works with the use of ADA software compatible with MIL-STD 2167A. Three separate data-processing channels are used to enable the radar to perform various modes simultaneously. The radar can observe 60 degrees to the left and right horizontally (some sources claim 70 degrees), and the radar range is at least 160 km for targets with an RCS of 5 sq m. Large targets, such as transport aircraft, can be detected at distances of up to 300 km. The radar has several air-to-air modes in which high-, medium-, and low-pulse-repetition-frequency regimes are used. The available range of pulse-repetition-frequencies (PRFs) is from 1 to 20 KHz. Among the air-to-air modes are range-while-scan (RWS), track-while-scan (TWS), and velocity search (VS). All of the modes are used for BVR engagement with the use of AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles or, in the future, with the use of Meteors. In track-while-scan mode, 20 targets can be simultaneously tracked, and up to six (some sources says eight) can be simultaneously engaged. Range-while-scan is used for initial target detection, with the radar emitting at low PRF and high power. Velocity scan is used for prioritization of the targets detected, and the radar switches to medium PRF. Track-while-scan is the basic mode for air combat and engagement of enemy aircraft. Also, a single-target-track mode is available for engagement of a remote target at the edge of the missile's range. Additionally, the radar has a raid-assessment function that distinguishes individual targets within a group of targets, along with a non-cooperative recognition mode that evaluates target characteristics (counting engine-compressor blades, RCS measurement, etc.) to identify a type of aircraft. The Captor radar also has look-down/shoot-down capabilities. A unique radar feature is the ability to present returns on two multifunction displays in the cockpit, in the vertical and horizontal view, giving the pilot a three-dimensional situational picture.

Fin 1º parte


The MIDS is also extensively used for BVR engagement. It enables the exchange of information between eight Typhoons in formation and with an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft, as well as with a ground-based station, such as the nearest air-operations center (AOC). The aircraft typically attack in pairs, with the leading aircraft well forward and having its radar switched off and the trailing aircraft with the radar turned on. When targets are detected, the lead aircraft silently approaches with its radar in stand-by mode but not emitting. The attack is conducted silently, and, according to some sources, even the mid-course update can be accomplished based on information from the trailing aircraft. In the case of enemy attack, the leading aircraft can perform a break maneuver, and the second aircraft accelerates to engage.

The Captor also has several dogfight modes. For the search and track of maneuvering targets, the vertical-search mode conducts scans in vertical surface sweeps rather than horizontally in descending or ascending bars. There is also a boresight mode for designating a target visible on the head-up display (HUD) and a slaved mode for designating an air target with the use of helmet-mounted cueing system.

The Captor radar will also have some air-to-ground modes, which will be introduced in Tranche 2 aircraft (see below). A Doppler beam-sharpening (DBS) mode will provide a ground picture of one-meter resolution. A synthetic-aperture-radar (SAR) mode with 0.3-meter resolution is to be available, as well as ground-moving-target-indication/track (GMTI/T) and fixed-ground-target-track (FTT) modes. The range of the SAR is to be 80 km. A sea-surface-search-and-track mode is to have a range of 130 km. As for other modes, a ground-target rangefinding (GR) mode and a terrain-avoidance mode are to be introduced in Tranche 2. All the above modes are to support various weapons types that could be used against ground or naval targets.

In 1992, the EuroFIRST consortium was selected to develop and deliver the forward-looking-infrared/infrared-search-and-track (FLIR/IRST) unit for Eurofighter. The consortium consisted of FIAR (Milano, Italy) as a leading company, Pilkington Optronics (Glasgow, UK, now Thales Optronics LTd), and Tecnobit (Madrid, Spain). The Passive Infrared Airborne Tracking Equipment (PIRATE) system is to be introduced in a basic version for Tranch 1/Block 5 aircraft and in a full version from Block 8. Full integration with other aircraft systems will be achieved on Tranche 2/Block 10 aircraft, except for German aircraft. The system will use a CCD-type FLIR camera with dual wavebands (3-5 and 8-11 microns). The processing speed of the PIRATE is to be up to 24-million pixels per second. The system will have a long range and a wide sector of search (detailed figures are classified) and will also be able to track multiple targets. Unofficial figures say the maximum range will be about 145 km in favorable conditions, with a 40-km identification range. Up to 200 targets will be able to be observed at a time, with tracking of several in a selected sector. The maximum observation sector, again according to unconfirmed information, is to be 75 degrees horizontally. Despite its name, the full version of PIRATE will also be able to track a designated ground target and present its picture on the helmet-mounted display. It will also be used as a navigation and landing aid. Air-to-air modes will include multiple-target track (MTT), single-target track (STT), and single-target identification (STI).

Eurofighter Protection: The Defensive Aid Subsystem (DASS)

As with the other complex systems, the history of the Typhoon's Defensive Aid Subsystem (DASS) is not an easy one. By 1991, only two partners had decided to develop a common DASS system and formed the EuroDASS consortium, consisting of GEC Marconi (60%; Basildon, UK, later BAE Systems and now Selex Sensors and Airborne Systems Ltd., a Joint Venture of BAE Systems and the Finmecanica Group) and Elettronica SpA. (40%, Rome, Italy). When Spain decided to go with the DASS, the consortium was joined by Indra Sistemas SA (Madrid, Spain) in 1995. Germany finally signed on, with EADS Defense Electronics (Ulm, Germany) entering EuroDASS in October 2001. The leading company in the EuroDASS consortium is Selex. The $276-million contract for the development of the DASS was awarded to EuroDASS on May 20, 1998. It was followed by a production contract for EuroDASS for Tranche 1, signed on June 23, 2001, worth of $538.4 million. EADS Defense Electronics fully entered the business on August 11, 2005, receiving a production contract for certain components of the DASS for 236 Tranche 2 aircraft, worth $316.6 million.

The DASS is to be a highly modular system. Each DASS has five processors, developed and produced by Radstone Technology PLC (Towcester, UK). The DASS will consists of a radar-warning-receiver/electronic-support-measures (RWR/ESM) unit with an initial frequency range of 100 MHz to 18 GHz (unconfirmed by company or users), which is probably to be increased to 40 GHz for Tranche 2/Block 10. The RWR/ESM system works with the use of a wideband super-heterodyne system able to perform quick searches for electromagnetic emitters. The processor of the RWR/ESM system will be able to locate emitters through triangulation conducted in sequence. The accuracy of the RWR/ESM is to be below one degree in azimuth. The distance of the exact location of emitters (to the sides of the aircraft, where detection will be more accurate) is to be at least 100 km. The identification of emitters will enable threat prioritization, with information presented on a moving map or on any multifunction display as needed.

Another important part of the DASS is a built-in electronic-countermeasures (ECM) system with the same spherical (360-degree) coverage around the aircraft as the RWR/ESM and (probably) the same frequency coverage. The ECM system is to work in several different modes and use directional beams for deception or noise jamming against threat emitters tracked by the RWR/ESM system. According to some sources, this part of the DASS on Italian aircraft was developed by Elettronica and is called Cross Eye. The ECM system will be introduced on Tranche 1/Block 2 aircraft in its basic form and from Tranch 1/Block 5 in its full version.

The missile-approaching-warning system (MAWS) was developed by BAE Systems (Stanmore, UK) on the base of the Plessey (Marylebone, UK; acquired by GEC in the 1990s and later by BAE Systems) and dubbed the PVS 2000. It is an active pulse-Doppler millimeter-wave radar unit that employsthree antennas (two in the wing roots and a third in the stern) to cover all around the aircraft. The system was to be later replaced by a passive unit to reduce aircraft emissions. Information published in the press saying that this is to be the PIMAWS system developed by Bodenseewerk Gerätetechnik GmbH (BGT; presently Diehl BGT Defence GmbH & Co. KG, Überlingen, Germany) seems to be incorrect, since neither the companies involved in EuroDASS nor users' representatives would confirm it. For all Tranche 2 aircraft, the same MAWS system has been ordered, although its elements are to be produced also by EADS Defense Electronics, Indra Sistemas, and Elettronica.

The laser-warning receiver (LWS) is developed by Selex Sensors and Airborne Systems Ltd. Three sensors are to be mounted (on each side of the front fuselage and one at the bottom of the rear fuselage) on Block 5+ aircraft delivered to the UK RAF, and Spain is also considering it.

The aircraft also has four chaff/flare launchers, all mounted under the wings. Two of them are SaabTech AB (Järfala, Sweden) BOL dispensers, mounted in the missile rails on the outer under-wing stations. Each can carry 160 chaff rounds, providing a total of 360 on the aircraft. The two remaining dispensers are delivered by Elettronica Aster SpA (Barlassina, Italy). Each can carry 16 large 55mm flares, which gives a total capacity of 32 flares per aircraft. In most cases, these countermeasures are employed in preprogrammed sequences on command by the DASS system.

All of the aircraft are to receive a towed radio-frequency (RF) decoy (with the possible exception of Germany's aircraft, according to a statement by a Luftwaffe spokesman). It will be a version of the BAE Systems (now Selex Sensors and Airborne Systems Ltd, Luton, UK) Ariel towed decoy. Two such decoys will be housed in the rear part of the wingtip pods. The decoy is towed on a 100-meter fiberglass cable and can be deployed at supersonic speeds.


Cockpit Systems

The two first prototypes of the Typhoon were flown with a classic instrumentation panel, but multifunction, cathode-ray-tube (CRT) displays -- initially two and later three -- were introduced subsequently. In September 1998, it was decided to select Smiths Industries (now Electronic Systems of Smiths Aerospace, Chehltenham, UK), to select modern active-matrix liquid-crystal displays (AMLCD), three per seat (i.e., six total in two-seaters). The displays themselves are being delivered by dpiX (Palo Alto, CA), a subsidiary of Xerox. They are known as Eagle 6 and are 6.25x6.25 inches (158.75x158.75 mm). The screen resolution is 1,024x1,024 pixels. The displays are supplemented by a HUD developed by BAE Systems (Rochester, UK). It is of wide-angle (35° by 25° and color-raster type, enabling the presentation of not only flight, navigation, and aiming information but also a picture from the PIRATE or the TV camera of a targeting pod on navigation mode.

Eurofighter Cockpit © BAE Systems

The Typhoon will also be equipped with the BAE Systems (Rochester, UK) Striker helmet system. It is a binocular, visor-projected, night-vision-capable system, with two small CCD-TV cameras mounted on the helmet sides, enabling the pilot to use the helmet's visor as night-vision goggles (NVGs). The pilot can eject from the aircraft with the helmet on his head at speeds of over 600 knots. The helmet visor is to have full HUD symbology, and in late Tranche 3 later blocks (Block 25+), it will probably be possible to eliminate the HUD entirely, with all functions taken over by the helmet system.

Among the other features worth mentioning in the Eurofighter cockpit is the Direct Voice Input system, developed by Smiths Aerospace (Chehltenham, UK). The system will be able to recognize more than 200 words and phrases to support the functions of buttons and switches (altogether 24) mounted on the stick and throttles

Tranche 1

Under the umbrella contract signed in January 1998 for to production of 620 aircraft, plus an option for a further 90, the aircraft production has been divided into three large tranches. The fixed-price contract for each tranche is being negotiated separately and is covered by separate comprehensive contract for delivery of the aircraft within the tranche. The production contract for Tranche 1 aircraft was signed on Sept. 18, 1998, for the delivery of 148 aircraft and 363 engines. The contract was awarded by the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency (NETMA) with Eurofighter Gmbh (Hallbergmoos, Germany) and Eurojet GmbH (Hallbergmoos, Germany).

Before production started, five so-called "instrumental production aircraft" were produced, and they were used for various operational tests. Those aircraft were included in the Tranche 1 production aircraft. They are officially owned by NETMA but are operated by industry for test and system-enhancement purposes. They will probably never be used by air forces.

First Flights of Instrumental Production Aircraft

Serial Military No Date Remarks

IPA1 ZJ699 15.04.02 Envelope expansion, Carefree handling, UK RAF two-seater

IPA2 MMX614 05.04.02 Communication, Navigation, Italian Air Force single-seater

IPA3 98+03 08.04.02 Handling qualities, Radar development, German Air Force two-seater

IPA4 C.16-20 26.02.04 Environmental testing, Communication/MIDS, Spanish Air Force single-seater

IPA5 ZJ700 06.06.04 Avionics, Carefree handling, UK RAF single-seater

The series production of Eurofighter started in 1998. Elements of the aircraft are manufactured by the four partners separately and are assembled in four countries on four separate production lines. In Germany, EADS's factory in Manching was set up for final assembly, although prototypes were assembled in Ottobrunn. In the remaining countries, the production lines are the same as for prototypes (Warton, UK; Cassele, near Torrino, Italy; and Getafe, near Madrid, Spain).

Certain elements and capabilities are being introduced on the aircraft gradually, to spread out the costs over more years, making the whole program more affordable. The production was, thus, divided into batches and, within the batches, into blocks. Batch 1 covers Block 1; Batch 2 covers Blocks 2, 2B and 5; Batch 3 covers Blocks 8 and 10; and Batch 4 covers Block 15. Batches 1 and 2 forms Tranche 1, while Batches 4 and 5 are Tranche 2. (However, since major changes occur within the blocks, the author decided to refer to blocks for aircraft's system descriptions.)

Block 1 covers 30 aircraft, all two-seaters, used for initial crew training and having only basic air-to-air capabilities. The aircraft have the Captor radar in its initial form but do not have the DASS subsystem. They have PSP1 standard avionics software and have only basic armament abilities, with AIM-9L and AIM-132A (with some limitations), as well as a BK27 gun. All of the Block 1 aircraft were delivered in 2003 (except for one delivered to Germany in 2004). Total Block 1 production (all two-seaters) included nine for Germany, 11 for the UK, six for Italy, and four for Spain.

Block 2 aircraft are being delivered in 2004 and 2005 and will consist of 72 aircraft. They are both single- and two-seaters, with the majority being the former. They have PSP2 standard avionics software, which enables the use of the gun against air targets and the full use of air-to-air missiles: AIM-9L Sidewinder and AIM-132A ASRAAM (the latter of which is used by the RAF). Discussing the armament options, all of the aircraft within each block will have the same capabilities, regardless of country. The fact that a certain user does not posses and does not use a certain type of weapon does not mean that Typhoons of that user cannot carry it (e.g., German Typhoons will be also capable of employing the ASRAAM, though the Luftwaffe does not operate it).

They have also Direct Voice Input and a MIDS datalink system integrated into the avionics system. The aircraft of Block 2 have also a basic version of the DASS, with RWR/ESM and chaff/flare dispensers fully integrated, along with basic ECM capabilities. Block 2B introduces PSP3 avionics software but is basically the same as Block 2. Earlier Block 2 aircraft are to be retrofitted with the same software, thus becoming Block 2B.

It is the intention of the users to bring all of the earlier-produced aircraft to the same standard, as the new blocks appear. It is a relatively easy task, too, as most of the changes lie in the software area, and since the very early Tranche 2 aircraft (Block 8), all of the planned hardware is to be present on the aircraft.

Block 5, the final block of the Tranche 1 (40 aircraft to be produced), is to attain full air-to-air capabilities and some austere air-to-ground capabilities (mainly for the RAF). It is to be integrated with an analog version of the Iris-T and with the AIM-120B AMRAAM. The gun (except for RAF aircraft, on which the gun is to be non-operational as a money-saving measure) is to be integrated with the system to perform ground strafing as well with the use of the AIS (which presents automatically calculated impact points on the HUD). The aircraft, except for German ones, are to receive the PIRATE sensor and the full version of the DASS. The latter will differ slightly in various countries. Only the RAF is going to use the laser-warning receiver. The towed decoy is to be used by all countries except for Germany, but otherwise, the remaining countries are going to receive the same DASS system. The decoy will probably be available already on Block 2B aircraft, while the laser-warning system will be part of Block 5. Also, on all of the aircraft, the MAWS is to be available starting with Block 5 aircraft. The other features of Block 5 aircraft will include full sensor fusion in the avionics suite, full Direct Voice Input, and full air-to-surface carefree handling (Phase 5 flight-control-system software).


All of the Block 5 aircraft are to carry GBU-10 and GBU-16 Paveway II guided bombs. Up to three GBU-10s (normally two) are to be carried or up to five (normally four) of the GBU-16 are to be carried. Only the RAF wants to get Enhanced Paveway II as part of Block 5, but this capability is still being negotiated between the parties. The RAF also wants the targeting-pod integration in Block 5. The pods selected are the Rafael (Haifa, Israel) Litening 3 for the RAF or Litening 2 for the Luftwaffe. The remaining countries have not yet selected a pod yet but will likely also opt for the Litening 3. Germany selected Litening 2 because it is already used by the Luftwaffe and produced by Carl Zeiss Optronics GmbH (Oberkochen, Germany). Block 5 systems are to be ready by the end of 2006, and the certification process is to be conducted in early 2007. The aircraft delivered starting in 2007 will be built in accordance to the Block 5 standard.

Tranche 2

The contract for Tranche 2 Typhoon aircraft was signed on Dec. 17, 2004, again between NETMA and Eurofighter GmbH. The contract was worth approximately $25 billion and covered delivery of 236 fighters for four nations. On top of Tranche 2, 18 fighters for Austria are also to be produced within Block 8 under a separate contract. The first 96 aircraft of Tranche 2 are to be built as Block 8 aircraft. Block 8 is to include all of the hardware for the Block 10, but the software will not initially support the use of all of the systems to their full levels performance. Once the software of Block 10 becomes available, all of the Block 8 aircraft will be brought up to the Block 10 standard.

The Block 10 aircraft will have enhanced air-to-air capabilities with the integration of the AIM-120C-5 and the digital version of the Iris-T. The aircraft will also carry up to three GBU-24/B Paveway III (with Mk 84 core), GBU-24B/B (with BLU-109A/B core), or GBU-24E/B Enhanced Paveway III guided bombs. Conventional bombs of the "80" family, as well as cluster bombs are to be integrated as well, with the system automatically calculating the impact point and presenting it on the HUD. The aircraft will also receive an advanced digital map generator, new GPS embedded with its inertial-navigation system (INS), and an enhanced DASS. This last enhancement will probably increase the frequency range to 40 GHz, at least for the RWR/ESM portion. Block 10 Typhoons were to be integrated with ALARM anti-radar missiles, but only for the RAF. Anti-radar capabilities are the subject of ongoing negotiations and have not yet been included in Tranche 2 requirements (or contract), but this can change. Block 10 aircraft will be available starting in 2010.

Roughly 40% of the last Tranche 2 aircraft are to be produced in accordance with the Block 15 standard, perhaps starting in 2010. It is assumed that Meteor missiles will be integrated with the Typhoon starting with Block 15. Up to eight missiles are to be carried (identical number as the AIM-120), including four on the edges of the fuselage and four on under-wing stations. The air-to-ground weapons introduced starting with Block 15 are to include KEPD 350 Taurus and Storm Shadow missiles, with two of each type to be carried on the middle stations under each wing in place of 1,000-liter drop tanks. When two of such missiles are carried, the aircraft can carry only a single underfuselage tank for 1,000 liters of fuel. At that time, the Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFTs) are to become available, each carrying 1,500 liters of additional fuel, thereby mitigating the aforementioned deficiency. There is some mystery, however, regarding the number of Taurus and Storm Shadow missiles to be acquired. According to plans, four of these weapons are to be carried, but some sources suggest that the number was reduced to two, only on the middle station under the wings. Taurus was selected by Germany and Spain, while Storm Shadow was selected by the UK and Italy for their Typhoons. Among other air-to-ground weapon is the Brimstone missile, selected only by the RAF. Up to 15 Brimstones are to be carried on five triple launchers, one under the fuselage and four under the wings.

Block 15 for all the countries is to be also integrated with Paveway IV bombs and with GPS-guided GBU-31/32 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs). The latter will be carried in the same number as the Mk.80 family of bombs. The unguided bombs can be carried in the following number: five of the 907-kg bombs, seven of the 454-kg type, or 12 of 225-kg variety (the latter on triple racks under the wings, the former - including one on the fuselage centerline rack). However, the negotiations on the JDAM are still ongoing. For example, Germany, as of now, has no requirement for GPS-guided bombs, and the German air-to-ground weapons are to be Paveway II and Enhanced Paveway II (EGBU-16) bombs and Taurus missiles, along with unguided bombs.

The delivery of the Tranche 2 and Block 15 aircraft is to be completed by the end of 2015.


Tranche 3

The Tranche 3 aircraft have not yet been defined, since the contract for them is expected in next few years. The plans are that Tranche 3 will cover Block 20 and Block 25 aircraft, produced from 2013 to 2015. Tranche 3 most likely will introduce Captor-E radar with an AESA type of antenna, increasing range, and the number of possible target tracks. On the Block 25, it will be probably a NOTAR [not only a radar], highly integrated with the aircraft's avionics and performing such functions as supporting the ESM and ECM systems.

Special effort is to be directed toward reducing the RCS of the Typhoon. One option being considered, aside from the introduction of new-generation RAM, is the elimination of the vertical tail and replacing its functions with thrust vectoring. In addition, IR signature and electromagnetic emissions are to be reduced considerably.

Block 20 aircraft are also to introduce enhanced naval attack functions, including the carrying of anti-ship missiles of an as-yet-unspecified type. Block 25 is so remote, though that all the features of this version discussed in the press can be treated as pure speculation.


In early 2000, the Eurofighter consortium hoped to sell Typhoons to many countries around the world. For many potential customers, however, the aircraft was too expensive, since they were looking for less capable, lighter, and cheaper fighters (Poland, the Czech Republic, and Denmark, for example). The Eurofighter Typhoon lost to the Boeing (St. Louis, MO) F-15K in South Korea and the Boeing F-15T in Singapore, most probably due to political considerations, but export prospects for the aircraft still exist, though limited to more wealthy countries.

Till now, only Austria selected the Typhoon in July 2003. Greece also selected the Typhoon but postponed the contract signature. The recent contract for additional 30 F-16C/D Block 52+ for the Hellenic Air Force, however, sparked a discussion as to whether Greece would cancel its planned Typhoon procurement altogether. Officially, no such decision has been made, and Greece is to purchase 60 Typhoons with option for 30 more. Among the other potential customers are Saudi Arabia (requirements for 150 aircraft) and Australia (requirements for 70 aircraft). There is also still an uncertain situation in Norway. The Scandinavian country participates in the JSF program but did not close the door to the Typhoon, and an official decision has yet to be made.


The first operational unit to receive Typhoons in Germany was Jagdgeschwader 73 "Steinhoff" (JG 73) at Laage air base, near Rostock, in the northern Germany. The first aircraft was accepted on April 30, 2004. Both of the unit's squadrons, 731 and 732, previously operating F-4F Phantom II and MiG-29 fighters, are to complete equipping with the Typhoon in 2006. The unit's role is air defense, air policing, and training of German Typhoon personnel.

The next German unit to be re-equipped with Eurofighter is JG 74 "Moelders" from Neuburg, near Munich, in the southern Germany. Again, two of the unit's squadrons, 741 and 742, are to convert to the Typhoon from F-4F Phantom II aircraft in 2006-2008. The unit's role will also be air defense and air policing. The final Luftwaffe air-defense unit to be converted to the Typhoon is JG 71 "Richthofen," based in Wittmund. The unit will receive its Typhoons in the 2011-2012 timeframe.

The first Tornado unit to be converted to Typhoons will be JGB 31 "Boelcke," based in Nörvenich in northern Germany. The unit, which is to convert in the 2008-2010 timeframe, is to have multirole tasks, including both supporting dedicated air-defense units and ground attack. It will be one of two Luftwaffe ground-attack units. The second will be JBG 33 from Büchel, which is to receive Eurofighters in the 2013-2014 timeframe. The remaining two Tornado ground-attack wings, JBG 34 and JBG 38, have already been disbanded.

With the disbandment of MFG 2 (Marinefliegergeschwader 2) a Germany Navy fighter-bomber unit, from Eggebeck by the end of this year, all naval-support tasks will be undertaken by reconnaissance wing AKG 51 (Aufklarunggeschwader 51) "Immelmann" from Jagel, which will continue to use Tornados for naval operations and reconnaissance even after the Typhoon deliveries are completed. The other Tornado unit that will continue to operate this type beyond the end of Typhoon deliveries is JGB 32 from Lechfeld, operating Tornado ECR and specializing in the SEAD role. Tornado aircraft are to be modernized for both roles, and 85 of the aircraft are to serve beyond 2015. Therefore, the Luftwaffe does not have any requirements for SEAD and naval support for the Typhoon, as these roles will be filled by modernized Tornados, armed with HARM anti-radar missiles and Kormoran anti-ship missiles.

The RAF, meanwhile, will be the biggest Typhoon user, but plans for conversion are still evolving. The aircraft actually received the Typhoon moniker in RAF service, with Typhoon T1 being the two-seat version and Typhoon F2 the single-seater. Block 5 aircraft are to be called T1A and F2A, respectively. The first operational unit to receive the Typhoon was No. 29(R) Squadron, reformed in Warton in 2003. One year later, the unit moved to Conningsby, where it joined the second converted unit, No. 17(R) Squadron, which has used the Typhoon since 2004. No. 29 Squadron is the Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) for Typhoon aircraft, while No. 17 Squadron is the Operational Evaluation Unit (OEU). Both units carry reserve squadron-number plates and were re-established from previously deactivated units flying Tornado F3 and GR1, respectively.

The RAF next squadron to re-equip is to be No. 3(F) Squadron in Cottesmore (presently flying Harrier GR7s), which is to be disbanded by the end of this year and re-established in the summer of 2006 in Conningsby. It will be the first operational RAF squadron with the Typhoon, initially charged with the air-defense role.

Current RAF plans also call for re-equipping the Tornado F3 units from two bases: Leeming (No. XI and No. XXV Squadrons) and Leuchars (No. 43, No. 56[R], and 111 Squadrons). No. XI Squadron is to be converted first, in 2007.

The first RAF squadron to receive Tranche 2 aircraft is to be No. 6 Squadron, which will be reformed in 2007 in Leuchars. No. 6 Squadron, along with No. 41(F) Squadron, are currently Jaguar units based in Coltishall. Both units are to be disbanded in 2006 (No. 16 and No. 54(R) Squadrons were already been disbanded in March 2005), and Coltishall air base is to be closed in 2007.

The next RAF units to be converted are three squadrons presently flying Tornado F3 aircraft: No. XXV from Leeming and No. 43 and No. 111 from Leuchars. Those squadrons are to be converted from 2009 onwards, thus creating a complement of six operational squadrons that will all eventually be multirole squadrons. The re-arming means a major reorganization of the RAF's strike force, since many squadrons will change roles and bases (usually being disbanded and then reformed as totally new units) and some others deactivated, with their bases closed. The RAF's plans beyond 2009 are still under evaluation. They are changing, and it is difficult to make any firm statements as to which units will next receive Typhoons.

Italy's first unit to convert to the Typhoon was IX° Gruppo (squadron) of 4° Stormo "Amedeo d'Aosta" (wing), based in Grossetto. The unit serves as an experimental and training unit and has used Eurofighters since 2004. In 2005, the second squadron of 4° Stormo – XX° Gruppo, also based in Grossetto – was converted to the Typhoon. XX° Gruppo has the air-defense role and previously flew F-104S Starfighters. The next Italian squadron to be equipped with the Typhoon will be 12° Gruppo of the ° Stormo "Helmut Riccardo Seidl" in Gioia Del Colle, perhaps followed by 156° Gruppo of the same wing and base. Next to be re-equipped will be 37° Stormo "Cesare Toschi" in Trapani. Its 18° Gruppo is currently flying F-16A/B air-defense fighters, and these will be replaced by Typhoons by 2015. Italian Typhoon units are to be multirole but, unlike the RAF's, will place a strong emphasis on air-defense tasks.

The first Spanish squadron to received the Typhoon was 113 Escuadron of Ala 11 wing, based in Moron. The unit, previously flying F/A-18A+ aircraft, is to train crews for the Spanish Typhoons. The first combat unit will be the 111 Escuadron from the same wing, which will be converted in 2007, followed by 112 Escuadron in 2009. By 2015, another wing with two squadrons is to be converted: Ala 14 wing with 141 and 142 Escuadrones. Ala 14 is based in Albacete and is currently flying on Mirage F1CE. All Spanish Typhoon squadrons will be multirole, as are the F/A-18A/B aircraft (designated EF-18 in Spanish service), which will continue to be used by Ala 12 and 15 wings in Torrejon and Zaragossa, respectively. However, some specific roles (e.g., SEAD and anti-ship) will remain the sole responsibility of EF-18 aircraft.

Finally, Austria will receive its first four Eurofighters in 2007. In 2008, 12 more are to be handed over, with the final two following in 2009. The whole contract is worth $2.4 billion, including logistics support and training of personnel. All of Austria's Typhoons will be used solely for air defense. Two squadrons will operate Eurofighters: the 1. Staffel in Zeltweg and the 2. in Graz. Austria will use only Sidewinders and AMRAAMs on its Typhoons, with no plans to purchase air-to-ground weapons for the aircraft.


Know Thine Enemy

A critical question needed to be answered before detailed requirements for the Typhoon were set: Who is the enemy? At the time when the Typhoon was first conceived, the answer to that question was obvious: the military forces of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. Work on the Eurofighter was accelerated by the introduction of the Su-27 and MiG-29 in the early 1980s. They were highly maneuverable fighters with good BVR capabilities and were armed with advanced R-27R/RE medium-range missiles. Basic NATO fighters of European countries would have problems dealing with them, especially the F-4 Phantoms operated at that time by the UK, Germany, and Spain, as well as the F-104S Starfighters operated by Italy. And who is the enemy now? There are different points of view.

For the UK, enemies are likely to be unstable countries located outside of Europe, such as rogue countries that sponsor international terrorism and failed states that provide terrorist bases. A military operation against such countries, ranging from full-scale conflict to low-intensity stabilization operations, would likely see the participation of UK forces. However, it has been assumed that British forces would not conduct such operation alone, but rather as a part of an international coalition. Thus, not all capabilities are necessary, since they would be provided by other allied countries, primarily the US. In addition, from the RAF's point of view, most of those potential enemies do not possess state-of-the art air forces, so stealth capabilities are not necessary. On the other hand, though good BVR capabilities and significant dogfight capabilities are appreciated, as well as large loads of precision weapons and adequate range to conduct air-to-ground missions from available air bases, not always located close to the potential targets or even the battlefield (when CAS/BAI is considered). And there is also one more factor: the RAF will also be getting F-35 JSF stealth aircraft. Therefore, it will have stealth fighters for the initial phase of the fight for air superiority in full-scale conflicts, while Typhoons would assess the effects of initial Tomahawk and stealth-fighter strikes, deliver a considerable load of ordnance on desired targets, and loiter over battlefield for long time, ready to provide air cover or CAS at the same time, as the situation dictates.

For Germany, meanwhile, the main focus is still homeland defense, and the air-defense fighter-interceptor is the main role of its Typhoons. Potential enemies can be countries beyond the eastern NATO frontier, as those countries are not fully democratic, are unstable, and still posses tremendous military potential (see "Loose Cannons in Eastern Europe, Part I: Ukraine" and "Loose Cannons in Eastern Europe, Part II: Belarus and Moldova". Should the situation in those countries take a turn in the wrong direction, Germany must maintain basic homeland-defense capabilities. Although the development of such situation seems to be unlikely in the nearest future, defense capabilities in the major areas, like multirole fighters, are not built overnight. Multirole fighters must stay in service for decades, and the political situation cannot be forecast for such a long time. Providing full security to the homeland is the highest-priority task for armed forces, and even when no significant threat currently exists, they must be prepared for the uncertain future. Of course, now Germany also sees the Typhoon as also having a role in overseas operations, but all of the air-to-ground capabilities are to be employed as they are in coalition contingency operations should such a situation arise.

Italy and Spain, as Mediterranean countries, are closer to the Arab nations of North Africa, which might potentially present a threat in various forms. For both Italy and Spain, homeland defense is of equal importance as overseas contingency operations, and homeland defense consists primarily of providing adequate air defense of their territories. Thus, in both countries, the Typhoon is to be an air-defense fighter, with some attack capabilities included. The main difference is that Italy is going to purchase F-35 JSFs to replace its AMX attack aircraft, while Spain will continue to operate modernized EF-18s, and these will be tasked primarily with air-to-ground, anti-ship, and basic SEAD missions. Italy's Typhoons will replace mainly F-104S and F-16A/B aircraft and will take over their tasks in the country's air-defense system. Spanish Eurofighter missions will be similar to those assigned to the country's EF-18s, so the both air-to-air and air-to-ground, missions (as well as anti-ship and SEAD) are future possibilities.

Total Production

Tranche Single-Seater Two-Seater Total

1 96 52 148

2 211 25 236

3 213 23 236

Total 520 100 620

Production by Nation

Nation Single-seater Two-Seater Total

UK 195 37 232
Germany 147 33 180
Italy 106 15 121
Spain 71 15 87
Austria 14 4 18


Tranche Single-Seater Two-Seater Total

1 37 18 55
2 83 6 89
3 75 13 88
Total 195 37 232


Tranche Single-Seater Two-Seater Total

1 28 16 44
2 58 10 68
3 61 7 68
Total 147 33 180


Tranche Single-Seater Two-Seater Total
1 19 10 29
2 43 3 46
3 44 2 46
Total 106 15 121


Tranche Single-Seater Two-Seater Total
1 12 8 20
2 27 6 33
3 33 1 34
Total 72 15 87

First flights of production aircraft

Serial Military No. Date Remarks

GT001 30+01 13.02.03 German Air Force two-seater
IT001 CSX55092 14.02.03 Italian Air Force two-seater
BT001 ZJ800 14.02.03 UK Royal Air Force two-seater
ST001 CE.16-01 17.02.03 Spanish Air Force two-seater
GS002 30+07 22.10.04 German Air Force single-seater (flown earlier than GS001/30+06)
IS001 MMX7235 09.07.04 Italian Air Force single-seater
BS001 ZJ910 11.05.04 UK Royal Air Force single-seater
SS001 C.16-21 Spanish Air Force single-seater
Eurofighter Typhoon


A qui les dejo unos pocos datos de uno de los cazas mas avanzados y bueno
uno de mis preferidos juto al (F-16), espero que les gusten.

Los orígenes del Eurofighter Typhoon empiezan en una aventura individual de
British Aerospace, el avión de combate avanzado (ACA - Advanced Combat
Aircarft). El gobierno británico encargó el inicio del desarrollo de un avión
avanzado y junto a colaboradores civiles y que dio lugar al Programa de
Avión Experimental (EAP - Experimental Aircarft Programme).

Los miembros al principio del proyecto EuroFighter eran Reino Unido, Francia,
Alemania, Italia y España, al final solo Francia se retira del programa devido
a que deside fabricar su propio avión de Combate Experimental.

La cantidad de aviones por paises en momento de la producción es la
Reino Unido - 232
Alemania - 180
Italia - 121
España - 87
No se actualmente si la adquisición en los paises abra aumentado o no
pero al parecer Reino Unido requerira unos 232 y suvio a 300 no estoy muy

el avión en su mayor parte es ta compuesto de materiales de alta tecnologia
como fibra de Carbono en mayor cantidad, Aluminio, Titanio, Fibra de Vidrio
Etc, y que son usadas tambien en otras aeronaves lo que lo hace tener una
relación Peso Empuje exelentes, al igual que su maiobrabilidad y que se
consigue gracias a que el Typhoon es inherentemente inestable, un
cuádruple sistema de control digital da una estabilidad artificial al estar
ajustando constantemente las superficies de control (Fly-by-wire), y con
una velocidad máxima de Mach 2,0, ademas de ser el unico al parecer junto
con el F-22 RAPTOR de contar con super crucero el cual da un aorro de
combustible un buelo.

La producción del avión es de la siguiente manera por las empresas de
aeronautica europeas:
Ala izquierda
Bordes de ataque externos
Secciones de fuselaje traseras

BAE Systems
Fuselaje frontal (incluyendo canards)
Espina dorsal
Aletas de cola
Bordes de ataque internos
Secciones del fuselaje traseras

EADS Germany
Fuselaje central

Ala derecha
Superficies de bordes.

Envergadura del avión:

Tripulación: 1 o 2
Longitud: 15,96 m
Envergadura: 10,95 m
Altura: 5,28 m
Superficie alar: 50 m²
Peso en vacío: 9.752 kg
Peso carga: 15.550 kg
Peso máximo al despegue: 21.000 kg
Monitorización: 2 Eurojet EJ200 cada uno de 60 kN en seco y 90 kN recalentado.


Velocidad:Mach 2,0+ — 2.390 km/h en altura, MAch 1,2 a nivel de mar.
Sin postquemadores (supercrucero): Mach 1,3 de altura con el armamento aire-aire convencional
Radio:usando los 3 tanques
Combate Aéreo (10 minutos vagabundeo): 1389 km (860 mi)
Combate Aéreo (3 horas CAP): 185 km
Ataque a tierra (hi-lo-hi):1389 km
Ataque a tierra (lo-lo-lo):601 km
Ferry: más de 3.706 km (2.300 mi)
Altura de servicio: > 18.000 m
Ratio de ascenso: 15.240 m/min
Carga alar: 311 kg/m² en despegue normal
Empuje/Peso: 7,7 N/kg.

Armas: El EuroFighter puede portar una amplia gama de armamentos desde
misiles, coetes, bombas, contramedidas etc, y que lo hace tremendamente
motifero. Ejemplo:
Un cañón Mauser BK-27 de 27 mm
Misiles: AGM-84 Harpoon, AGM-88 HARM, AGM Armiger, AIM-9 Sidewinder,
Shadow, Brimstone, Taurus, Penguin
Bombas: Paveway 2, Paveway 3,Enhanced Paveway, JDAM.

Diagrama de de las siguientes configuracuiones de combate:

La cabina de la aeronave esta totalmente integrada gracias a un sistema de
pantallas multifunsionales de color que le permiten al piloto obtener rapida
mente la informacion ya sea de vuelo, armas, systemas, etc y que liveran al
piloto de ingresar varias funsiones y solo dedicarse al combate y buelo en si.
Ademas posee un systema de interacción del piloto con la nave el cual si se
quiere desir la nave (abla), comunicando los diferentes procesos que este
teniendo el avión al piloto.

Fotos del Cockpit del avión:

Otras de las opciones que tiene es el visor de tiro y navegacuión del casco
que proporciona una gran ventaja a la hora de entrar en combate sumado
con la gran manibrabilidad y potencia del avion, en el casco el piloto puede
ver la altura de vuelo, velosidad, objetivos, rago de tiro,etc.

Fotos del casco del piloto:

Por ultimo les dejo un pequeño diagrama que encontre no se nota muy vien
de la comparación del coste del avion claro que sin precio pero se nota que
es mas varato que otros e igual o casi igual que un F-16 BLOCK 50, teniendo
en cuenta su tecnologia de punta.

Bueno eso es todo un gran saludo ¡CHAO!:D :D
El EF-2000 tambien ha sido adquirido por Grecia (60-80) y por Araia Saudi (72) (aun por firmar el cuerdo), Austria (18) y han expresado su interes Noruega, Sudafrica, Chile, Brasil y Turquia.
