Africa do Sul cancela compra do A-400M


en que estado esta hoy el proyecto??.. realmente le he perdido el hilo...

Hace un mes al menos estuvo en vuelos de prueba.
Asi que de alguna manera el proyecto sigue.
Hay fotos. (inclusive aterrizando con el motor nro 2 apagado a proposito)

en EMB-390 me gustaria REABASTECEDOR, como reemplazo de los ORION, carguero ovbiamente, ELINT y AEW para que los operadores esten mas comodos....y uno VIP para el presidente asi puede aterrizar en cualquier aerodromo de provincia para ver a la gente...anontenme 4 mas version cuatrimotor!! nueva ala por favor!

Suponiendo posible todas esas versiones pero cuatrimotor? Ahi sarpaste.


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado

Este por ahora tiene mas opciones.


Boreal, que se comenta en España ? (teniendo en cuenta que tu país había obtenido la titularidad de la división de transporte militar, no?)


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
Mil cosas se dicen, desde la revalorización del euro frente al rand, a que los retrasos de MTU con la planta motriz son escandalosos, a que las cifras que daban los sudafricanos oscialaban mucho, que ni el contrato que firmaron era por lo que dicen, y que el precio que dan es el costo de adquisición, más el mantenimiento de la vida util del avión, muchas cosas, demasiadas.

Incluso se habla de quien se llenó los bolsillos en Sudafrica a costa del programa, como en el de los 209, el de las Meko, los Gripen y Hawk, los A-109, muchisimas cosas se dicen. Que sean verdad, ya....


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
Hoy Turquia ...Francia e Gran Brethania cancelaron......lo unico pais que no si manisfeto fue Alemanha......


Paulo anotame con 8 C390 para la FAA, tres version KC; 4 para el Coan, 2 para la Gendarmería y, ya que estamos, 2 más (1 para el Ministerio de Salud y otro para Parques Nacionales).
Decime cuanto es y que financiación tenés (no olvides el descuento por ser forista de ZM!).
Paulo anotame con 8 C390 para la FAA, tres version KC; 4 para el Coan, 2 para la Gendarmería y, ya que estamos, 2 más (1 para el Ministerio de Salud y otro para Parques Nacionales).
Decime cuanto es y que financiación tenés (no olvides el descuento por ser forista de ZM!).

Paulão!!!! Dá um desconto para o Julian aí, sô!!!!!!:smilielol5:


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
Para Julian5000 estas dado..... bueno se lo Staf de ZM permitir.... :svengo:


Paulo, creo que te entendí mal, ¿ Francia, GB y Turquía cancelaron su participación en el A400 ?

P.D: Boreal, gracias por la respuesta.
como la estan jugando mal a ESPAÑA con el A-400 eso es lo unico que me cierra...
Y porque no se pueden hacer todas esas versiones?...y porque no un cuatrimotor tipo CANDID? y porque...


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
Ministers Postpone Decision by One Month

(Source: compiled by; issued June 23, 2009)

PARIS --- Seeking major concessions from prime contractor Airbus Military, Britain yesterday vetoed a French-German proposal to extend ongoing talks on the A400M military transport aircraft until the end of the year.

Instead, defense ministers of the seven partner nations (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Turkey and UK) agreed to meet again in Paris in late July to decide and how, to take the program forward.

A major advance at the Seville meeting is that ministers determined that, “subject to the fulfilment by industry of certain conditions, the A400M is still a feasible programme.” (see below)

British defense procurement minister Quentin Davies said after the meeting in Seville, Spain, that “we need to make a very great deal of progress with industry in order to save this project. Asked whether the UK will stay in the program, he said "We will be if we can be."

A technical committee is to examine all aspects of the aircraft’s production plans and report back to ministers. The intention is that, on the base of this report, ministers will then define the “perimeter for the negotiations on production, delivery and financial schedules” so that all parties will know exactly what will be discussed once negotiations begin, Spanish Defense Undersecretary Constantino Méndez said after the meeting.

Britain, under growing financial pressure, demanded an annual schedule of payments for the additional costs arising from the program’s three-year delay. But these were not yet finalized, French Defense Minister Hervé Morin said, so “rather than risk a deadlock I proposed a grace period of one more month.”

While France, Germany and Spain are focusing on the program’s long-term potential, and have accepted the principle of a renegotiated contract that would spare Airbus Military major financial penalties for the three-year delay, Britain is insisting that the terms of the original contract be enforced, and that any concessions made by governments should be matched by Airbus.

The A400M contract does not allow any partner country to withdraw unilaterally, Spanish Defense Minister Charme Chacon noted after the meeting, while Mendez added that damages and financial penalties for late delivery are issued to be resolved bilaterally between nations and the manufacturer. (ends)

Joint Press Release on the Meeting of the A400M Programme at the Level of Ministers of Defence

(Source: Spanish Ministry of Defence; issued June 22, 2009)

On the 22nd June 2009 The Ministers of Defence of the seven nations participating in the European programme A400M – Belgium, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom – met to receive and analyse the results reached by the Group of Experts set by the Nations to examine the status of the programme and its way forward.

As originally conceived, the A400M programme has proven to be a far greater challenge for industry than previously anticipated, suffering significant deviations from the initial forecast.

In order to rebuild the confidence that the programme objectives can be delivered within an acceptable level of risk, the nations and industry agreed in April 2009 to a standstill period.

During this period a group of experts from the nations have scrutinised the programme, arriving at the conclusion that subject to the fulfilment by industry of certain conditions, the A400M is still a feasible programme.

During the aforesaid standstill period, the Nations and industry have been exploring a commercial, technological and managerial framework, within which the new terms and conditions of any possible negotiation might be contained. A number of issues still need to be resolved, before a negotiation phase can be entered.

Therefore, in order to ensure ourselves that the conditions offered by industry fully satisfy the Nations, it has been decided to allow, in agreement with industry, an extension to the standstill period, with a decision being taken by Partner Nations by the end of July.


---------- Post added at 05:53 ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 ----------

Joint FR UK Summit Declaration: Defence and Security (excerpt)

(Source: UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office; issued July 6, 2009)

France and the United Kingdom are also committed to finding a positive outcome for the renegotiation of the A400M programme. The A400M will meet the capability needs of its client countries' armed forces and offer outstanding performance.

The principle behind this renegotiation is that the company bear the consequences of the programme delays and contribute to compensating for the resulting capability deficit.

The two governments are open, on the basis of these principles, to amendments allowing the pursuit of the programme under reasonable conditions. (end of excerpt)

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The joint British-French position as described above, which stipulates that Airbus Military must bear the consequences of the delays to the A400M program, and contribute to compensating for the resulting capability deficit, is a major departure from the position agreed between France and Germany in early June.
That agreement, also backed by Spain, would have allowed Airbus and its corporate parent, EADS, to avoid paying most of the contractual penalties for which it was liable.)



Y porque no se pueden hacer todas esas versiones?...y porque no un cuatrimotor tipo CANDID? y porque...

Sobre las versiones. se pueden hacer pero los aviones no son plug and play.
Meterle equipos y moverle la distribución de pesos a un avion no es cosa simple.

Sobre lo de cuatrimotor lo mismo.
Le ponemos 2 secciones mas de fuselaje una antes y otra despues de las alas, le cambiamos las alas para que lleve 4 motores y listo.
Muy facil. Es igual a diseñar un avion nuevo jejeje.

Le voy a poner un eje mas a mi auto asi distribuye mejor el peso.
Ah? Eh? no? Porque no? No es bueno eso? Porque no?

Bueno, y si le pongo 2 patas mas a la mesa?
Después de todo, quedaria mas estable no?
lo de la mesa me gusto...voy a probar como queda...
Disculpa si te sono ofensiva mi expresion, pero EMBRAER como AIRBUS se han destacado por aprovechar en sus diseños justamente diseños anteriores, nose si decir modular, pero arrima.
La variedad de versiones no son plug and deberian verlo como un objetivo, espacio tienen, y lo digo como concepto.


Hay post de Halcon del Sur (que de esto algo sabe) respondiendole a algun forista que tuvo tu inquietud.


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
(Source: compiled by; issued June 23, 2009)

(Source: Spanish Ministry of Defence; issued June 22, 2009)

(Source: UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office; issued July 6, 2009)

Noticias frescas, ehhhh