The Russian Navy’s cruise ship Varyag and frigate Shaposhnikov will visit ports in Latin...

As part of a transatlantic journey, the cruise ship 'Varyag' and the frigate 'Marshal Shaposhnikov' of the Russian Navy will carry out visits to...

Israel strengthens defense relations with Morocco through drone systems production

The defence relations between Israel and Morocco are developing very fast. Israeli company Blue bird will soon open a production site of its unmanned...

The Liaoning aircraft carrier of the Chinese Navy has set sail again to continue...

In recent days, an image circulating in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) sources shows the Liaoning aircraft carrier of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)...

The Fujian aircraft carrier of the Chinese Navy is reportedly making final preparations to...

While there hasn't been an official confirmation yet, the Fujian aircraft carrier of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China is reportedly making...

After the F-16s, Ukraine seeks to advance in the acquisition of MQ-9 Reaper drones...

Based on an article published by Politico, it was learned that Ukraine is increasingly interested in acquiring MQ-9 Reaper drones from the United States...

The Royal Navy orders the construction of six new amphibious vessels to replace the...

The Royal Navy has announced its plans for the incorporation of six new state-of-the-art amphibious vessels for its Royal Marines. These vessels, also known...

To counter the losses caused by the Russian Ground Forces, the Ukrainian M1A1 tanks...

Based on images that have gone viral on social media, it has been observed that the M1A1 tanks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have...

The Argentine Navy tenders the purchase of spare parts for the engines of the...

In light of the recovery works for the logistic ship ARA “Patagonia” initiated at the end of 2022, the Argentine Navy began the tender...