The Peruvian Navy tests a new illegal vessel detection system

At the Command of Coast Guard Operations, located at the Callao Naval Base, the Peruvian Navy showcased its latest and most modern equipment and...

Incorporating lessons from the war in Ukraine, the Russian Ground Forces unveil their new...

During a presentation of material by the Russian Ground Forces, the public's attention was captured by the exhibition of the new version of the...

German Eurofighter jets intercepted an Il-20M signals intelligence aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces...

In a new episode involving military forces in the Baltic region, German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Eurofighter jets intercepted two aircraft of the Russian Aerospace...

Australia moves forward with its plans to extend the service life of the Collins-class...

Following the official announcement, the Australian government revealed that the submarine HMAS Farncomb will be the first of the six Australian conventional Collins-class submarines...

A flight of a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet equipped with a new version...

Yesterday, June 4th, a flight of a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet carrying a new version of the SM-6 surface-to-air missile, also known as...

The USS George Washington aircraft carrier of the U.S. Navy crosses the Strait of...

Continuing its itinerary for the Southern Seas 2024 deployment, the USS George Washington aircraft carrier of the U.S. Navy crossed the Strait of Magellan...

FAdeA has completed the delivery of two IA-63 Pampa III Block II to the...

In the morning hours of June 4th, the Argentine Aircraft Factory Brigadier San Martín (FAdeA) completed the delivery of two IA-63 Pampa III Block...

Coverage – Zona Militar aboard the ARA “Sarandí” destroyer of the Argentine Navy during...

Zona Militar's team had the opportunity to embark on the ARA "Sarandí D-13 destroyer during the combined exercise Gringo-Gaucho II, conducted alongside the USS...