As part of operational training, SU-30 and F-16 aircraft of the Bolivarian Military Aviation conducted combined exercises under the framework of the so-called “Domingo Sifontes Task Force.” According to information published by the Bolivarian Military Aviation on its social media platforms, the maneuvers carried out in coastal areas involved the participation of units from the Army and the Bolivarian Navy conducting patrol exercises, land incursions, and aerial coverage.

According to the published images, it was observed that the SU-30 and F-16 fighter-bombers flew at low altitude, at one point flying over a Buk-M2EK anti-aircraft missile system. Additionally, missile boats of the Pykaap III type of Iranian origin were deployed, along with infantry troops conducting a land incursion.

Although the location of the exercise has not been specified, Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino Lopez has shared images of the exercise on his social media, mentioning Venezuela’s sovereignty claim over the Essequibo region, which is disputed with Guyana. Therefore, presumably, the maneuvers took place in areas close to the disputed region.

In recent weeks, the Bolivarian Military Aviation has conducted several operations against suspicious aircraft, presumably linked to drug trafficking. Despite existing embargoes, the force maintains its F-16s operational, intercepting and downing aircraft. Having served for four decades, the F-16A/B Fighting Falcons of the Bolivarian Military Aviation constitute one of the mainstays of the force, with various sources estimating their operational capability to be superior to that of the Su-30Mk2.

*Cover image used for illustrative purposes.

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