Manual de Operaciones de Contrainsurgencia UK

United Kingdom AFM Vol 1 Part 10 Counter Insurgency Operations, dated March 2007, 216 printed pages. Army code 71749.

Una breve explicación del contenido del manual, si no corresponde a este foro, por favor moverlo.

Este documento es un manual de operaciones de contrainsurgencia, esta dividido en dos partes, A y B.

La parte A define el significado de insurgencia , el desarrollo histórico de revoluciones e insurgencias en el siglo XX y características asociadas a ellas.
Analiza como se comportan, como funcionan y operan y como combatirlas. Finaliza con el estado actual de los procesos de insurgencia en el mundo.

La parte B estudia este fenómeno a nivel estratégico y operacional. cubriendo aspectos juridicos, los principios de la contrainsurgencia y la planificación gubernamental para su manejo. Finaliza con las tácticas y operaciones a realizar.

El termino insurgente se refiere durante el manual a todo aquel que trate de desestabilizar o tomar el control del orden establecido.

The UK manual details British counter-insurgency operations in a number of conflicts, including Northern Island and appears keen to differentiate itself to the Petraeus work, although there are striking structural similarities.

Part A defines what insurgency is, the historical development of revolutions and insurgencies into the twentieth century and some of their associated characteristics. It then analyses the conduct of an insurgency; how it functions and operates, and the sort of tactics that may be used to prosecute the aims of an insurgency. It concludes with an outline of the position of insurgency in today’s world.

Part B deals with the issues of countering insurgency at the strategic and operational level. The first five chapters cover aspects of the law, the principles of counter insurgency, a concept of overall operations and the coordination of a plan of action by a government at the strategic level. The remaining six chapters cover the operational and tactical aspects of such a campaign.

In the past many terms have been used to describe those opposing the established authorities, terms such as guerrilla, revolutionary, terrorist, dissident, rebel, partisan, native and enemy all spring to mind. In order to keep consistency throughout this publication the term insurgent has been used to describe those taking part in any activity designed to undermine or to overthrow the established authorities in whatever form.

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