Malvinas, la ayuda sovietica?

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(en ingles, sin traslate para no cometer en errores)

Monday, May 31st 2010 - 04:14 UTC

Russian book confirms Soviet intelligence support for Argentina in Malvinas war
Some interesting historical data about the Malvinas Islands war and Soviet intelligence support to Argentina has emerged from a book by a Russian journalist and researcher, who as the son of a former URSS diplomat expert in trade affairs spent most of his youth in Latinamerica, Cuba, Ecuador and Uruguay.

Sergey Brilev, currently Deputy Director of Rossiya Television, RTR, begun by writing a book on his Latinamerican experience titled “Fidel, Football and the Malvinas”, where he unveils for his Russian readers a still much unknown and mysterious continent.

Although only ten when the 1982 conflict, and living in Uruguay, on writing the book he was much intrigued about how involved the Soviets were, naturally motivated on that old proverb, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” particularly since Argentina (and Uruguay) did not follow on the US grains sales embargo to the Soviet Union “punished” believe it or not for invading Afghanistan in 1979.

Another Argentine coup, on May 25th, the sinking of HMS Coventry and the Atlantic Conveyor which went down with 15.000 tons of crucial equipment, Brilev also attributes to strategic info from the Kosmos-1365.

Sobre la ayuda de los rusos me lo había dicho una maestra en la primaria. Ahora lo creo, no se detalla mas que otro tipo de ayuda recibimos

¿Habían submarinos también?

Gratcias Camarrradas.
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