Fotos de la guerra de Vietnam

El soldado R. Richter ( izq ) y el sargento Daniel Spencer , ambos de la 173 Brigada Aerotransportada , de pie junto a un camarada abatido en Long Khang , Vietnam.

Justamente , este señor es el mismo que esta de pie mirando al cielo o al frente.
Es una foto "Iconica" de Vietnam ganadora de varios premios...

The Agony of War

Todo un personaje el hombre.

El alemán Ruediger Richter , sirvió en la Marina Mercante Alemana, más tarde se enroló en la Legión Extranjera Francesa , donde sirvió 5 años , luego se mudó a los EEUU donde se enroló en el US ARMY , siendo enviado a combatir a Vietnam en 1965.

Ruediger Richter

Despues de estas fotos en el 67 recibio un disparo de escopeta en su cabeza y quedo muy mal herido.
Última edición:

Merchant Marine one

Miembro del Staff
Se ve raro pero el uniforme de trabajo de la tropa durante mucho tiempo fueron jeans
Y en la USN los jeans constituyen aún, y desde hace décadas, el uniforme clásico del marinero a bordo..!!!

Nosotros en la ENN también usábamos jeans, sin bolsillos, para mantener las formas del cadete jaja, y camisa celeste con gorro marinero de lona blanca ( es más, el mío era USN original).




Me conmovió esta fotografia,y busqué mas datos....

Col. Robert Stirm survived six torturous years in Vietnamese prison camps and then had his homecoming immortalized in a 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning photo of his children joyfully greeting him at Travis Air Force Base.

The indelible image captured the heart of America and became one of the most memorable photos of a generation. The photo, Burst of Joy, was captured by Associated Press photographer Slava "Sal” Veder the moment Stirm was reunited with his family six years after being shot down over Hanoi.

His four children display the picture prominently in their homes. Stirm, a San Mateo native and longtime Foster City resident, does not. Three days before arriving at Travis Air Force Base Stirm received a Dear John letter from his wife. The two were divorced within a year.

"I do not display that photo because it did not result in an ideal situation,” Stirm said.

Stirm agreed to recreate the scene more than a decade ago for a television special on Pulitzer Prize winning photos. He did it for his children, Stirm said.

These days, Stirm is more comfortable speaking about his time as a Vietnam prisoner of war. He was on hand to answer questions Saturday at the Hiller Aviation Museum during a presentation of Bill Guenon, an Air Force raider who led a mission into Son Tay to rescue American prisoners of war.

Guenon, a Boston resident, wrote Secret and Dangerous, a book describing the Son Tay raid.

Saturday was a reunion of sorts. Guenon reunited with four other Son Tay raiders who traveled from as far as Texas to be a part of Saturday’s event. Stirm was able to meet one of the many men assigned to rescue him and hundreds of other POWs.

Stirm was shot down over Hanoi, October, 1968. He was 35 years old. He was immediately captured and imprisoned. He spent the next 1,985 days as a POW. He was originally held in the Son Tay prison and was later moved to a prison commonly referred to as the Hanoi Hilton. He survived the six years next to highly trained Air Force officers — lawyers, doctors and scientists.

The hundreds of men in captivity were fed "sauteed sewer greens,” pumpkin soup and ground-up pig remains. They were "sadistically” tortured. At one point, Stirm said he was nearly drawn and quartered. He survived that incident with two dislocated shoulders, he said.

Many of the U.S. soldiers were kept in solitary confinement. They were forced to communicate with each other through a tap code that did not need the "dash” used in Morris Code. The soldiers would signal each other by tapping "Shave and a Hair Cut.” If the double-dash signifying two bits came back, the soldiers were free of enemy ears, Stirm said.

"It sounded like you were in the press room with all the typewriters,” Stirm said. "Every night we’d tap good night and God bless.”

Advanced survival training helped keep Stirm and many of his fellow soldiers alive.

They were all trained to memorize the names of every other imprisoned soldier. Stirm would recite approximately 250 names alphabetically, twice a day, he said.

"You’ve got to keep you mind busy. I tried to recreate my life. I reconstructed my kindergarten class, first grade ... It’s all in your mind,” Stirm said.

Stirm attended San Mateo Park Elementary School and San Mateo High School. Being in the Air Force was always a dream. He could remember watching the planes during WWII roar over San Mateo High as he stood on the roof to observe. Once Stirm graduated San Mateo High, he attended two years at the University of Colorado. He left Colorado as soon as he had the 60 credits necessary to join the Air Force academy, Stirm said.

Stirm also said that as he recounted his school years, he realized there were only two classmates he did not fight.

As an older POW, Stirm felt it necessary to lift the spirits of others. As Stirm saw it, he has already had the chance to marry and have children. There were younger POWs who drove themselves to despair thinking of what they might miss if never rescued. It was Stirm, and others like him, that helped those men survive.

It was his homecoming that helped lift the spirits of an entire nation.
That was something for which Stirm could never have prepared.

Retired Col. Robert L. Stirm stands in front of the F-105 Thunderchief at Edwards AFB's Century Circle Apr. 5. (U.S. Air Force photo by Laura Mowry)


Rober D

Moderador Intransigente
Miembro del Staff
Me conmovió esta fotografia,y busqué mas datos....

Col. Robert Stirm survived six torturous years in Vietnamese prison camps and then had his homecoming immortalized in a 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning photo of his children joyfully greeting him at Travis Air Force Base.

The indelible image captured the heart of America and became one of the most memorable photos of a generation. The photo, Burst of Joy, was captured by Associated Press photographer Slava "Sal” Veder the moment Stirm was reunited with his family six years after being shot down over Hanoi.

His four children display the picture prominently in their homes. Stirm, a San Mateo native and longtime Foster City resident, does not. Three days before arriving at Travis Air Force Base Stirm received a Dear John letter from his wife. The two were divorced within a year.

"I do not display that photo because it did not result in an ideal situation,” Stirm said.

Stirm agreed to recreate the scene more than a decade ago for a television special on Pulitzer Prize winning photos. He did it for his children, Stirm said.

These days, Stirm is more comfortable speaking about his time as a Vietnam prisoner of war. He was on hand to answer questions Saturday at the Hiller Aviation Museum during a presentation of Bill Guenon, an Air Force raider who led a mission into Son Tay to rescue American prisoners of war.

Guenon, a Boston resident, wrote Secret and Dangerous, a book describing the Son Tay raid.

Saturday was a reunion of sorts. Guenon reunited with four other Son Tay raiders who traveled from as far as Texas to be a part of Saturday’s event. Stirm was able to meet one of the many men assigned to rescue him and hundreds of other POWs.

Stirm was shot down over Hanoi, October, 1968. He was 35 years old. He was immediately captured and imprisoned. He spent the next 1,985 days as a POW. He was originally held in the Son Tay prison and was later moved to a prison commonly referred to as the Hanoi Hilton. He survived the six years next to highly trained Air Force officers — lawyers, doctors and scientists.

The hundreds of men in captivity were fed "sauteed sewer greens,” pumpkin soup and ground-up pig remains. They were "sadistically” tortured. At one point, Stirm said he was nearly drawn and quartered. He survived that incident with two dislocated shoulders, he said.

Many of the U.S. soldiers were kept in solitary confinement. They were forced to communicate with each other through a tap code that did not need the "dash” used in Morris Code. The soldiers would signal each other by tapping "Shave and a Hair Cut.” If the double-dash signifying two bits came back, the soldiers were free of enemy ears, Stirm said.

"It sounded like you were in the press room with all the typewriters,” Stirm said. "Every night we’d tap good night and God bless.”

Advanced survival training helped keep Stirm and many of his fellow soldiers alive.

They were all trained to memorize the names of every other imprisoned soldier. Stirm would recite approximately 250 names alphabetically, twice a day, he said.

"You’ve got to keep you mind busy. I tried to recreate my life. I reconstructed my kindergarten class, first grade ... It’s all in your mind,” Stirm said.

Stirm attended San Mateo Park Elementary School and San Mateo High School. Being in the Air Force was always a dream. He could remember watching the planes during WWII roar over San Mateo High as he stood on the roof to observe. Once Stirm graduated San Mateo High, he attended two years at the University of Colorado. He left Colorado as soon as he had the 60 credits necessary to join the Air Force academy, Stirm said.

Stirm also said that as he recounted his school years, he realized there were only two classmates he did not fight.

As an older POW, Stirm felt it necessary to lift the spirits of others. As Stirm saw it, he has already had the chance to marry and have children. There were younger POWs who drove themselves to despair thinking of what they might miss if never rescued. It was Stirm, and others like him, that helped those men survive.

It was his homecoming that helped lift the spirits of an entire nation.
That was something for which Stirm could never have prepared.

Retired Col. Robert L. Stirm stands in front of the F-105 Thunderchief at Edwards AFB's Century Circle Apr. 5. (U.S. Air Force photo by Laura Mowry)

Gracias por compartirlo Biguá!!!wv
Los tanques M48 Patton III del batallón de guardia 180 del Ejército Popular de Vietnam. Los tanques utilizados por el batallón se utilizaron para proteger el puesto de comando del frente 479, el comando del grupo de tropas vietnamitas que operan en Camboya. Los tanques procedían de la estructura capturada en 1975 durante la etapa final de la guerra en Vietnam. El número exacto de tanques M48 capturados por partes del ejército del pueblo vietnamita no se conoce: había unos 160 tanques M48 en servicio con el ejército de Vietnam del Sur, pero algunos de ellos fueron destruidos durante los combates o fueron capturados inoperantes. El uso de tanques en partes del Ejército Popular de Vietnam fue limitado debido a la falta de piezas de repuesto y problemas de municiones.
Paracaidistas del 1er Batallón del 506º Regimiento de la 101 División Aerotransportada del Ejército Americano con armas capturadas durante una de las operaciones contra las fuerzas del Vietcong Vietnam del Sur; ~ 1968-1969