Explotación y usurpación de recursos en las Malvinas por Gran Bretaña

PH_Cpt_Cookster R.N.

Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
Can anyone please advise why you think Argentina has any legitimate right over the Malvinas Islands, let alone the right to extract Oil and such from a British Overseas Territory?

Crying 'foul' to ones neighbouring States is not exactly the way forward is it now?

You are deluded if you think a bit of sabre ratting from Mr Chavez is going to lead to anything except confirm to the rest of the world (well those who are even remotely interested) that your claim is Merely a joke and Chavez is simply a tool .


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
Can anyone please advise why you think Argentina has any legitimate right over the Malvinas Islands, let alone the right to extract Oil and such from a British Overseas Territory?

Crying 'foul' to ones neighbouring States is not exactly the way forward is it now?

You are delude if you think a bit of sabre ratting from Mr chavez is going to lead to anything except confirm to the rest of the world (well those who are even remotely interested) that your claim is merely a joke and Chavez is simply a tool.

As Malvinas son Argentinas e o Sr Chavez apoia a causa Argentina para recupera-las.


Ops... :eek: :svengo:
Paulo, lisarb... brasileros en general... bamos despacito para nuestra casa que la cosa va a quedar fea... :leaving: :leaving:


PH_Cpt_Cookster R.N.

Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
[QUOTE = Paul; 796,187] As Malvinas are Argentine eo because Mr Chavez apoia Argentina for the recovery. [/ QUOTE]

and Mr Chavez has the means of eradicating Typoons and Tornados as well as Hunter Killer Submarines.

Lets not even mention CRUISE MISSILES

Come on now, wise up and save yourselves a lot of unnecessary aggravation.


[QUOTE = Paul; 796,187] As Malvinas are Argentine eo because Mr Chavez apoia Argentina for the recovery. [/ QUOTE]

and Mr Chavez has the means of eradicating Typoons and Tornados as well as Hunter Killer Submarines.

Lets not even mention CRUISE MISSILES

Come on now, wise up and save yourselves a lot of unnecessary aggravation.

:troll::troll::troll: british troll.


Can anyone please advise why you think Argentina has any legitimate right over the Malvinas Islands, let alone the right to extract Oil and such from a British Overseas Territory?

Crying 'foul' to ones neighbouring States is not exactly the way forward is it now?

You are deluded if you think a bit of sabre ratting from Mr Chavez is going to lead to anything except confirm to the rest of the world (well those who are even remotely interested) that your claim is Merely a joke and Chavez is simply a tool .

This is a spanish speaking forum, if you are not smart enough to speak the spanish language please abstain from making a comment.


Can anyone please advise why you think Argentina has any legitimate right over the Malvinas Islands, let alone the right to extract Oil and such from a British Overseas Territory?

Crying 'foul' to ones neighbouring States is not exactly the way forward is it now?

You are deluded if you think a bit of sabre ratting from Mr Chavez is going to lead to anything except confirm to the rest of the world (well those who are even remotely interested) that your claim is Merely a joke and Chavez is simply a tool .

Indeed you have your point of view and we have ours, you believe that this is not in the best interest, consider and pay attention, Argentina will never..no matter what, relinquish it's claims over Malvinas, South Georgias and Sandwich even if we get them back in the year 2500

Leave Mr Chavez out of this




lo mas triste es que los fierros de la Armada de Peron y Massera, son los que perduran hasta el dia de hoy

O sea que vivimos gracias al esfuerzo de las generaciones pasadas, que pobre herencia recibiran las nuevas generaciones. No hemos aportado nada.

Es insólito que un pais, en 20 años no haya incorporado casi nada. Y reitero casi nada, por que si contamos las Mekos 140 son de herencia, y los A4 AR, si bien 250 millones son muchos si los prorrateamos son una lágrima y no han representado una solución, debido a la carencia de spares y de armamento.

En fin.

Si regalamos lo que regalamos, es debido a los necios y miopes que nos han llevado como ganado.

El Derru

---------- Post added at 09:50 ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 ----------

:troll::troll::troll: british troll.

you are sure?, is he a british troll?:yonofui:


Miembro del Staff
Claudio, yo te entiendo, pero.......la obligacion de hacer algo está, no se puede negar y mirar hacia otro lado. Todos sabemos que es a destiempo y todas las falencias que quieras agregar, incluidos nuestros politicos "no pensantes" de no ser para su propio beneficio.

Repito la frase que puse antes: "No nos olvidemos que todos los barriles de petróleo que saquen estan marcados con sangre de nuestros compatriotas"



So if Britain or anyone else for purpose of example laid claim to The Azores it would be considered legitimate?

Así que si Gran Bretaña o cualquier otra persona para efectos de ejemplo se apropiaron de las Azores sería considerado legítimo?

Este es un foro en castellano y como el que ingresó, ingresó por que leyó algo en castellano.:yonofui: O sea que entiende la lengua de Cervantes.:yonofui:

El Derru


Miembro notable
This is what I call starting with a left foot. Sir, I strongly recommend you to read the forum rules. People of good will are always wellcome, even from UK. We're honoured with some british war veterans memberships, but they all come with the same attitude: respect.
So please slow down and follow the forum rules, you may find this a very interesting place for a rich debate.

---------- Post added at 10:19 ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 ----------

No caigamos en el juego.