Ukrainian minehunters donated by the United Kingdom will participate in the NATO exercise Sea...

On April 11th, two minehunters belonging to the Ukrainian Navy arrived at the port of Portsmouth. These vessels, donated by the United Kingdom, will...

The first of the new Challenger 3 tanks of the British Army rolls off...

The Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom recently announced that the British Army is getting closer to acquiring its new tank model, the...

The United Kingdom has announced that it will assign £75 billion to increase its...

Yesterday, the UK government announced an unprecedented additional increase in its defense budget totaling £75 billion for the next six years. This significant step,...

The British Army selects the German IFV Boxer RCH155 as its future mobile artillery...

In the framework of the meeting on April 23 between the British Prime Minister (PM) Rishi Sunak and the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a...

The Royal Air Force is redeploying three Eurofighters to Finland as part of Exercise...

As part of the NATO Exercise Swift Response, which is conducted under the umbrella of Exercise Steadfast Defender, the Royal Air Force (RAF) has...