The Sea King helicopters of the Argentine Navy completed their first landings on the...

During yesterday's session, the first day of the PASSEX Exercise "Gringo-Gaucho II" took place between the Argentine and United States Navies (US Navy). One...

The VCBR LAV III and Stryker are solidifying as the future wheeled armored vehicles...

The project to incorporate the future Wheeled Armored Combat Vehicle (VCBR) into the Argentine Army is one of the key high-priority projects currently being...

Coverage INVAP – A tour of the radar projects of the Armed Forces

As we mentioned weeks ago, Zona Militar had the privilege of visiting the facilities of INVAP, the prestigious Argentine company known for its achievements...

The Argentine Navy began its operations with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington as...

With the entry into national jurisdictional waters of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) and its escorts, the Argentine and United States...

B-52H bombers from the U.S Air Force conducted flights around the Russian enclave of...

During the course of this week, more specifically on May 28th, two B-52H Stratofortress bombers from the U.S Air Force (USAF) conducted a series...

A Su-30MKI from the Indian Air Force conducted the launch of the new version...

According to the Ministry of Defense of India, the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) successfully tested a new version of the missile known...

The Argentine Navy tenders the purchase of spare parts for the engines of the...

In light of the recovery works for the logistic ship ARA “Patagonia” initiated at the end of 2022, the Argentine Navy began the tender...

Ula Class: One of the options considered to restore the submarine capability of the...

As addressed in previous publications, besides the purchase of the multi-role fighters F-16 Fighting Falcon, other projects that are still on the list of...