On the occasion of the second edition, after 14 years, of the PASSEX Exercise “Gringo Gaucho II” with the United States Navy, the Argentine Navy carried out an unusual deployment of units belonging to the Sea Fleet, the Maritime Patrol Division, and the Naval Aviation Command.

The presence of the nuclear-powered Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN-73), escorted by the logistics ship USNS “John Lentall” (T-AO-189) and the destroyer USS “Porter,” was accompanied by two Argentine MEKO 360 destroyers, two MEKO 140 corvettes, and three OPV87/90-class ocean patrol vessels.
Destroyer Division:

The Sea Fleet, the heart of the Navy, was represented by the ships ARA La Argentina (D-11) and ARA Sarandí (D-13) belonging to the Destroyer Division. Both units, part of the MEKO 360 class, are the largest displacement and firepower combat units within the Argentine Navy.
Corvette Division:

The Corvette Division, participated with the ARA “Espora” (P-41) and ARA “Rosales” (P-42). As the first units of the “Meko 140” class, they continue to faithfully serve in the Navy, being highly valued for their versatility and low operational cost. During the combined activities, they conducted various navigations and escorts with the USNS “John Lentall” (T-AO-189).
Maritime Patrol Division:
Lastly, the Maritime Patrol Division participated with its four “Bouchard” class patrol vessels. Acquired from France between 2020 and 2022, they are the most modern units in the Navy’s fleet. Based in the Mar del Plata Naval Base, their main mission is surveillance and control of the Exclusive Economic Zone.

Photographs: Zona Militar
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