Gallery – These were the ships and aircraft of the Argentine and U.S. Navies...

The completion of the PASSEX Exercise “Gringo-Gaucho II” carried out by the Navies of Argentina and the United States showcases the deployment of resources...

While Argentina analyzes and evaluates, the Armed Forces of the region are making progress...

Throughout the last decade and part of the current one, the Armed Forces of South America have consolidated various naval construction projects, which have...
Créditos: Armada de Irán via AP

Iran continues deploying its converted container ship in the Southern Hemisphere

Iran has converted a container ship into a fighting vessel. This as part of Teheran's effort to achieve greater presence in the sea. According...

Report No. 139 from the Cabinet Chief’s Office: Progress in the Construction of the...

In addition to issues related to the reequipment of the Armed Forces, during Report No. 139 to the Senate of the National Congress, the...

The Chinese Navy’s Fujian aircraft carrier began its second sea trial amid tensions with...

Thanks to new images released by Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), it's been revealed that in recent days, the third aircraft carrier of the People's...

Argentina is preparing to receive the French ships that will take part in the...

In a few hours, Argentina will receive a visit from the ships of the French National Navy that are part of the Jeanne d’Arc...

Coverage – The Argentine Navy finally incorporates its two new Cadet Training Boats: ARA...

In the facilities of the Río Santiago Shipyard (ARS), the Argentine Navy completed the incorporation of its two new Cadet Training Boats (LICA). After...

The amphibious helicopter carrier Tonnerre of the French Navy will visit Buenos Aires at...

While concluding its activities and training with the Brazilian Navy, it has been confirmed that the Jeanne d’Arc 2024 Operational Group of the French...