In response to the FPV drone threat, Russia and Ukraine continue to increase the...

Considered the main threat on the Ukrainian battlefields, FPV drones are forcing the ground forces of Russia and Ukraine to constantly introduce improvements and...

The Heron TP UAV will enhance the capabilities of the German Armed Forces

The German air force Heron TP UAV is operational and will enhance the country's defense by using a long list of Israeli made systems....

After the F-16s, Ukraine seeks to advance in the acquisition of MQ-9 Reaper drones...

Based on an article published by Politico, it was learned that Ukraine is increasingly interested in acquiring MQ-9 Reaper drones from the United States...

The 1st Aviation Battalion of the Brazilian Army begins operational evaluation of the NAURU...

In anticipation of its upcoming entry into service, the 1st Aviation Battalion of the Brazilian Army has begun the operational evaluation of its NAURU...

IAI and Aerotor Sign Agreement for Advanced Drone Development

The growing demand for advanced multi rotor unmanned systems bring Israel aerospace industries (IAI) to cooperate with companies that specialize in these systems. IAI has...

The Israeli company Smart Drones develops replicas of Iranian UAV systems for training

Israeli company Smart Drones is manufacturing unmanned aerial systems used by the Israeli air force and Israeli defence companies as a Red Squadron ,...

In spite of improvised armor and electronic countermeasures, Russian combat vehicles continue to fall...

One of the most notable aspects of the conflict in Ukraine remains the prevalence of FPV drones despite countermeasures adopted by both sides. In...

The Turkish Air Force deployed an Akinci drone to support the search and rescue...

As part of the search and rescue operation of the President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisí, the Turkish Air Force provided support with a Bayraktar...