After intense processes of getting the ARA Patagonia (B-1) ready, the Argentine Navy is finally in the midst of the ship’s final preparation and improvements for its reintroduction into the Fleet. As previously reported, the logistic vessel ARA Patagonia entered dry dock No. 2 at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Arsenal at the end of January 2023 for a process of recovery and general maintenance.

The work was completed in August 2023, after five months in dry dock. Among the tasks carried out were hull caulking, WJ2 treatment throughout the hull, painting application, refurbishment of 200 hull and interceptor valves, sandblasting of ballast tanks (C10 and C22) and potable water tanks (E11, E12, and E21), as well as the replacement of drainage, fuel, and fire system pipes, and 5 tons of steel in the underwater hull, replenishment (RAS) deck, bridge, and hangar. The work was awarded through Direct Interadministrative Contract No. 38/1-0185-CDI22, with an investment of $284,304,973.80 in labor and USD 1,211,096.80 in materials.
After the lengthy process and successful sea trials at the end of last year, the Argentine Navy expects to resume sustained operations with the unit by the end of 2024. The overall plan is to complete the readiness of the ARA Patagonia in the coming months along with some minor outstanding improvements, to resume its operation with the Fleet. If everything progresses as planned, the Navy will receive the necessary funds to achieve this goal.

It is worth noting that Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) systems, such as the ARA Patagonia, are of extreme importance to the Argentine Navy as they enable the projection of force over longer distances. This was reflected in Exercise Gringo-Gaucho II, where the USNS John Lenthall (T-AO-189) accompanied the USS Porter (DDG-78) destroyer, specifically for fuel and supplies provision for an extensive voyage alongside the USS George Washington aircraft carrier (although the latter does not need it as it is a nuclear-powered vessel). However, while the ARA Patagonia is crucial, it is pertinent to mention that the unit not only has some age within the Argentine Navy but also served its cycle within the French Navy, which will soon decommission the Durance class with the incorporation of new platforms. It would be interesting, therefore, to evaluate not only its repair and tuning but also the incorporation of a possible replacement or another vessel that could complement the ARA Patagonia as a support ship for the Fleet.
*Photographs used for illustrative purposes.
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