In a recent press release, the French company KNDS has expressed its dissatisfaction with the Argentine Army and the specialized media outlet Zona Militar following the publication of a study by the Argentine Army that does not favor its CAESAR artillery system. This reaction comes in the context of KNDS’s previous frustrations in the region, where its products have lost contracts to competitors such as the Atmos system and the Zuzana 2.

The study in question, dated March 4th of 2024, and published by Zona Militar on May 9, analyzes the preferences of the Argentine Army in its project for the incorporation of 36 wheeled combat artillery vehicles. According to the report, the Atmos system from Elbit Systems prevailed over the CAESAR from Nexter (one of the companies forming KNDS), which has been a subject of controversy.

KNDS Criticizes the Argentine Army

In its statement, disseminated to various media outlets worldwide, KNDS France expressed surprise for the conditions under which the comparative report was conducted without their prior consultation. Additionally, the company questioned the methodology of the study and the accuracy of some technical points mentioned in the article, specifically the assertion that the CAESAR “is not air-transportable.” It is worth noting that nowhere in the article published by Zona Militar is such a claim made.

Source: Elbit Systems

The company emphasized that the CAESAR MKI is the only 155/52 caliber wheeled howitzer certified as air-transportable in a C-130. However, this technical detail seems to have been misinterpreted or exaggerated by KNDS in their criticism, as it was not inaccurately mentioned in the report or in Zona Militar’s publication.

Context of Losses in the Region

KNDS’s reaction is better understood in the context of its recent losses in the region. Several Latin American countries have opted for other artillery systems instead of the CAESAR, affecting KNDS’s presence in this market. The Argentine Army’s preference for the Atmos is just the latest in a series of disappointments for the French company, a matter reflected in a public and non-binding report.

Zona Militar’s Comments

Zona Militar, a leading audience in the Spanish-speaking world and one of the media outlets with the highest number of users globally, has defended the accuracy and rigor of its information. With over 14 million monthly readers, the outlet has established itself as a reliable source of specialized information on Latin American armed forces. In response to KNDS France’s press release, Zona Militar respectfully requested that the company refrain from suggesting “baseless inaccuracies” and reminded that the report from the Argentine Army is publicly accessible and non-binding.

You may also like: The ATMOS prevails over the CAESAR in the Argentine Army’s project for the incorporation of 36 wheeled VCA


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