The weakness of the coalition formed to fight the Houthi rebels in Yemen results in repeated attacks on cargo ships sailing in the Red Sea.

US, British and French forces on Saturday shot down dozens of kamikaze drones engaged in a “swarm” attack launched by Iran-backed Houthis in the Red Sea region.

The Houthi operation was against a Singapore-flagged cargo ship and several American warships. The Houthis’ military spokesman, Yahya Saree, confirmed the strike and said the attacks would continue “until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.”

According to Iran International, the website operated from London by the opposition to the Iranian regime , the Houthis have been targeting commercial vessels (and often US warships) in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden since November, disrupting global maritime trade, forcing major shipping companies out of the region, sinking one ship and killing three civilian crew members. The attacks began after Iran’s ruler Ali Khamenei called for Muslims to “blockade” Israel.

“Their ‘swarm’ attack Saturday may be seen as a significant escalation, since it’s much more likely that one out of the many drones flying together evades the defense systems and hits a US warship – which would force the Biden administration to elevate the level of its response, possibly even targeting Iranian assets.”

According to Iran International, critics of the Biden administration blame the US President and his team for having eroded deterrence and emboldened Iran and its proxies in the past few years. The only solution, they maintain, is to make the regime in Tehran ‘feel the heat’ and pay the ‘cost’ of their malign activities.

“A case in point is the fate of the Iran spy ship Behshad, which has been the subject of intense scrutiny within maritime circles –many believing that it is helping Houthis with intelligence on commercial sea traffic, effectively enabling their attacks. And still no one, the US government in particular, is willing to take action against it.”

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