Airplane wrecks on Malvinas

Is it possible to made an map of all airplane wracks today on Malvinas?
I am putting some photos of tham here:

Pucara (A-511) Mayor Tomba -Lafonia

One more Pucara- number unknown to me

Turbine of Helicopter...

Chinook CH-47C of CAB 601 destroyed on ground near Mount Kent by Flt Lt Hare RAF in 1(F) Sqdn Harrier GR.3 using 30mm cannon (8.00 am).
Me da un poco de bronca y angustia ver estas imagenes!!!....:banghead:

De mi parte lamento no poder ayudarte en los que pedis, ya tendras respuestas de los foristas mas antiguos, y ellos te daran bien las posiciones exactas!!



Hi Mario

One more Pucara- number unknown to me

Im quite shure that this aircraft was used as a target to practice so it was moved to that place by helo.