Israel’s SAAR 6 corvettes intensify operations in Gaza and protect ships in the Red...

In recent days the Israeli navy's SAAR 6 missile corvettes have enhanced their operation against Hamas targets in Gaza. In parallel at least one SAAR...

Israel expresses frustration over inaction against houthi attacks in the Red Sea

Israel is frustrated from the "very faint" action taken by the U.S and European countries against the repeated attacks made by the Houthi rebels...

Elbit Systems wins $300 million contract to supply defense systems to European customer

Israeli company Elbit Systems was awarded a contract in an amount of approximately $300 million to supply weapon, reconnaissance, driving, and situational awareness systems...

Diplomatic incident between Brazil and Israel could affect major Brazilian Air Force projects

Following the recent statements made by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva regarding the crisis in the Gaza Strip, Israel has decided to...

Steadicopter introduces Automatic Identification System in its unmanned helicopter Black Eagle 50H

Israeli company Steadicopter, has added an automatic identification systemA (AIS ) the payload of its Black Eagle 50H , remotely unmanned air vehicle (...

The challenge of armed FPV drones: An emerging threat to military forces

First-person view (FPV) armed drones are becoming a major problem for military forces around the world.An FPV drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)...

Israel evaluates the use of UAV Carriers in its maritime military operations

The dramatic increase in the use of different types of UAV's in the ongoing war between Israel and the Hamas and Hezbollah terror organizations...

Israel begins to use its UAV Spark in the war against Hamas

Early versions of the special very advanced payload by the Spark UAV of the Israeli air force are being tested now in the ongoing...