The U.S. Navy and the U.S. Missile Agency successfully conducted an intercept test of...

The United States Missile Defense Agency (MDA) announced that, in collaboration with the Navy and Australian naval assets, the successful interception of a Medium-Range...

The United States confirms the transfer of a Hercules C-130H TC-60 to the Argentine...

During the official visit of the Commander of the United States Southern Command, General Laura Richardson, to Argentina, the Ministry of Defense confirmed the...

South Korean footprint in the re-equipment and modernization of the Peruvian Navy

The governance problems currently affecting Peru have overshadowed the great news of South Korea's triumph in the competition to choose the partner for the...

Two Spanish Navy patrol ships monitored the transit of Russian vessels bound for the...

In the context of the constant tensions arising from the Russo-Ukrainian war, patrol boats from the Spanish Navy monitored and tracked the activities of...

IAI and Aerotor Sign Agreement for Advanced Drone Development

The growing demand for advanced multi rotor unmanned systems bring Israel aerospace industries (IAI) to cooperate with companies that specialize in these systems. IAI has...

The Chilean Navy celebrated a new anniversary of the incorporation of the Type 23...

With a ceremony held at the breakwater pier of the Naval Base in Valparaíso, the Chilean Navy celebrated the 17th anniversary of the raising...

With the support of PHA Tonnerre and special operations helicopters, France evacuated personnel from...

Following the serious incidents in Haiti that led to a growing wave of violence, various countries are carrying out evacuation tasks of their citizens...

ENAER will present the progress of the PILLAN II Project for the Chilean Air...

FIDAE 2024 is the stage to present the latest advancements of the Sistema de Entrenamiento Integrado para Pilotos Militares (Integrated Training System for Military...