Due to its employment against Ukraine, North Korea could improve their short-range ballistic missiles

In one of his most recent reports to Congress, United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III informed lawmakers about the current situation...

The Sea King helicopters of the Argentine Navy completed their first landings on the...

During yesterday's session, the first day of the PASSEX Exercise "Gringo-Gaucho II" took place between the Argentine and United States Navies (US Navy). One...

With the deployment of its patrol boats, the Argentine Navy carried out a naval...

In the waters of the Beagle Channel, the Argentine Navy carried out a naval training and coastal reconnaissance exercise with the deployment of units...

With the participation of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier, the United States, Japan,...

On April 11th, the navies of the United States, Japan, and South Korea conducted a maritime exercise with the aim of further strengthening alliances...

The French Directorate General of Armaments progresses in the purchase of components for the...

The French Ministry of Defense has notified the request for the purchase of components destined for the next-generation aircraft carrier (PANG) of the National...

The aircraft carrier USS George Washington of the US Navy embarked personnel from Argentina,...

As part of its journey with its final destination being Japan, and as part of Southern Seas 2024, the aircraft carrier USS George Washington...

Iran’s military breakthrough: ballistic missile launch from navy ship raises global concerns

When Iran has reached a very advanced stage in its military nuclear program , it test launched a ballistic missile from a navy ship. Iran's...

The Argentine Navy corvette ARA Rosales completed a stage of individual training

On March 27, with its arrival at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base, the ARA Rosales corvette of the Argentine Navy completed a stage of...