
Zona Militar – English Version.

Latin America Military News. Defense news. Conflicts, Air, Naval and Land forces. English version. Armies, Air forces and navies.

World Military News. Army, Navy, Air Forces. Military Technology.

To counter the losses caused by the Russian Ground Forces, the Ukrainian M1A1 tanks...

Based on images that have gone viral on social media, it has been observed that the M1A1 tanks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have started being equipped with Kontakt-1 explosive reactive armor (ERA) blocks...

The Argentine Navy tenders the purchase of spare parts for the engines of the...

In light of the recovery works for the logistic ship ARA “Patagonia” initiated at the end of 2022, the Argentine Navy began the tender process for the acquisition of spare parts for the WARTSILA...

The Indian Air Force tests the Astra air-to-air missile – reveals big plans

The Indian Air Force carried out a user trial of the country’s indigenously designed and manufactured beyond-visual range air-to-air missile, the Astra. Tested from a Su-30MKI, this is the latest in a series of successful trials that has culminated...

Ukrainian drones reportedly severely damaged a Russian Aerospace Forces Su-57 stealth fighter in Astrakhan

Images that went viral today, June 9th, indicate that Ukrainian drones may have damaged Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) stealth fighters Su-57 within Russian territory. The information, disseminated through Telegram channels, shows satellite images depicting...

The Chinese Navy deployed one of its Type 054A frigates to the coast of...

During the last days of May, the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China participated in a new six-day multilateral naval exercise as part of the celebrations for the 68th anniversary of the Nigerian...

Brazil is advancing in negotiations to acquire Hero 30 and 120 loitering munition systems

Brazil is in advanced negotiations with Israeli company Uvision in order to purchase some types of loitering weapon systems. In January 2023 Argentina purchased two types of Uvisions' loitering systems. A sources in the Israeli...

United States and Israel intensify their cooperation in military space activities

The Israel and American spy satellites systems will be interconnected more closely to get the full picture of Iran's plans related to long range ballistic missiles and military nuclear plans. The military cooperation between Russia...

Having completed the replenishment of the Argentine Bases in Antarctica, the icebreaker ARA Almirante...

Having completed the replenishment of the last bases in the White Continent, the Argentine Navy icebreaker ARA Almirante Irízar returned to the city of Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, bringing an end to its participation...