Jennifer P. Olivera

Jennifer P. Olivera
171 Publicaciones 0 COMENTARIOS
Pucara Fenix: Complete 5 or 6 units in the short term.

Requirements to update the Argentine Air Force

The current situation in Argentina caused by the COVID-19 virus has forced all political and economic efforts to face the pandemic. That is why,...
La Argentina en cuarentena

Argentina in quarantine

At the end of 2019, the appearance of the new coronavirus COVID-2019, in Wuhan, of zoonotic origin, generated an alert in China and by...

The new OPV of the Argentine Navy awaits the arrival of its main armament

Argentina, under the previous administration and through a State-State sale negotiation, completed the purchase of four Gowind Class OPV units of the most important...
Ministerio de Defensa Argentina

What is the first Defense project that the new government is promoting?

The Deputy, Agustín Rossi, will present next week, a bill designed to provide more resources to the Armed Forces, so that they can fulfill...

The transition to the new IA-58 Fénix weapon system

Last Friday, the farewell of the IA-58 Pucará weapons system took place at the III Air Brigade in Reconquista Santa Fe. A nearby attack...

The US could be the responsible for the crisis facing Saudi Arabia today in...

Barack Obama and his administration, cultivated one of their main diplomatic achievements in 2015, when the P5 + 1 group signed the Joint Comprehensive...

Farewell to the FA-50s? The wait for the supersonic fighter for the Argentine Air...

Recently, I wrote about the FA-50 for the Argentine Air Force, and how it is urgent to incorporate a weapons system that can replace...

Apollo 2020 and the Navy that never was

The Argentine Navy was once a thriving Navy that sought to enter the big leagues. His years of splendor were full of attempts to...

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