To enhance its effectiveness in actions aimed at combating illegal mining in the Boa Vista region, the Brazilian Army deployed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) “Nauru 500C,” which was transported in an H-36 Caracal helicopter from the First Squadron of the Eighth Aviation Group (1º/8º GAV) – Falcão Squadron, of the Brazilian Air Force.
The “Nauru 500C” is used to map areas of interest under the direction of the Amazon Protection System Management and Operations Center (CENSIPAM), which sent a team of four specialists to operate it in the context of actions against illegal mining, cross-border illicit activities, and environmental crimes in Yanomami territory.

In this regard, Captain Bruno Tunes, assigned to CENSIPAM, emphasized, “As the mission of this Organization is to work in the Amazon Protection System, we support various civilian agencies, in addition to military ones, such as ICMBio, IBAMA, the Federal Police, and the Armed Forces. This new tool will allow us to map, monitor, and surveil the area.”
For piloting the Nauru 500C, CENSIPAM uses a system of ground-based communication antennas, spare batteries, aviation fuel, and maintenance and air control tools. Due to its flight characteristics and sensors, it is an instrument that requires specialized training and cannot be operated by an uncertified agent.

The Nauru 500C is one of the most comprehensive technologies for security and surveillance missions. Besides being versatile and resistant to strong winds, it is easy to handle thanks to its vertical take-offs and landings. The drone has a flight autonomy of 4 hours in its hybrid version (fuel + battery), ensuring operational presence even in hard-to-reach areas.
Developed and manufactured by the Brazilian company XMobots, the Nauru 500C performs ISTAR missions (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance), target detection, and transportation. Its primary sensor system is integrated into a stabilized turret with optronics providing electro-optical (EO), medium-wave infrared (MWIR), laser rangefinder (LRF), and laser pointer (LP) imagery for target designation.
*Image credits: Amazon Military Command
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