The National Aeronautics Company of Chile (ENAER) has initiated functional test flights for two T-35 Pillán training aircraft from the Paraguayan Air Force at El Bosque Air Base in Santiago, Chile.

ENAER and the Paraguayan Air Force have a contract for the refurbishment of T-35 Pillán training aircraft. These aircraft were transported by land to the workshops of the Chilean factory for major repairs, including engine and propeller overhauls, as well as the reengineering of the cockpit instrument panel. These upgrades are expected to extend the operational life of the aircraft by approximately 4,000 flight hours.
With these mentioned maintenance works, the Paraguayan T-35s are upgraded to the B (E) standard, featuring modern Garmin GTN 650xi satellite navigation systems. The cost of these upgrades, along with training for Paraguayan personnel conducted by ENAER mechanics, amounts to approximately USD 6.8 million.

In May, mechanics from the Paraguayan Air Force Maintenance Group performed the first maintenance on one of the Pillán aircraft refurbished by ENAER. Continuous training of Paraguayan personnel aims to reduce maintenance costs for the Paraguayan state, particularly for an aircraft that plays a crucial role in fighter pilot training.
Following the refurbishment of the two Pillán aircraft currently at ENAER, the Paraguayan Air Force will send another two aircraft for similar maintenance. The total projection over two years is to refurbish six aircraft.

Training in Argentina for new Paraguayan pilots
At the end of last month, Aviation Lieutenant Federico Aquino completed his first solo flight on the Tecnam P-2002JF weapon system after completing the Joint Military Pilot Basic Course at the Cordoba Military Aviation School in Argentina.
Through agreements with the Argentine Air Force, the Paraguayan Air Force sends personnel for further training, in this case, to accumulate initial flight hours for future Paraguayan pilots.
As part of the expansion plans for aircraft in the Paraguayan Air Force, a declaration was signed to finalize the purchase of IA-100 aircraft from the Argentine Aircraft Factory (FAdeA), providing initial flight hours for pilots. The Paraguayan Air Force lost this initial training step after decommissioning its T-23A “Uirapuru” aircraft in the 1990s.
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